Sopaper Nibfdvt
How long does it take to play Undertale, and can you save often?
holo 2024
the save points are pretty frequent
holo 2024
idk about playtime i haven't finished yet.
holo 2024
the pacing chugs along pretty quickly, though, the writing is compact and the encounter rate is low and there's not much need for grinding
Sopaper Nibfdvt
cool! I have to be real picky abt what I play on non portable systems, bc "seated" gaming time is super limited
holo 2024
so there's a pretty high time/effort spent to content experienced ratio.
holo 2024
haha i know that feel
holo 2024
as someone who rarely gets beyond the intro level of "seated" games for exactly that reason, undertale is super easy to pick up and play a big chunk and come back to later.
Sopaper Nibfdvt
good! awesome. I have never played a steam game so i'm guessing it's PC only....?
holo 2024
i believe so
AH YES yay! And yes, Sarah and I actually were in a similar situation
The save points are very very frequent
Sopaper Nibfdvt
And if you ever don't know where the next one is, you can literally always backtrack
Sopaper Nibfdvt
i'll make it a treat to myself after I finish Yuki-Onna
There's never like a 'level' or anything
It is very good!!
holo 2024
....belated realization: should that have been "a low time/effort spent to content experienced ratio"
holo 2024
whichever one has more content
There's an element of 'get good' to some of the puzzles but honestly if you are good at the gameplay, you can bust through a playthrough in like 5 hours
unless you are me and talk to ever NPC and call your bros on the phone on every new screen to get some more flavor dialogue