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[VPK dailyplurk] >Go to danbooru looking for NPC icons
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Now I have icons for 80% of my female NPCs and 0% of my male NPCs
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because nobody on this site draws dudes
Another excellent way to summarize my problems finding a PB
Princess Emily
sounds legit
dragon time
thats danbooru
bitchin camaro
i don't think it's "nobody on this site draws dudes" so much as "nobody on this site reposts art of dudes"
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I'm sure there's more of them over on pixiv
bitchin camaro
but pixiv is its own hellhole
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lazy loafer
zerochan tends to have a lot of dudes from personal experience
My PB for my male character is literally a female character.
Fanart personification of a female... internet... celebrity... person.
Basically animu PBs are hard.
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zerochan appears to also have a lower ratio of eschergirls art quality
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once I overcome the "find PBs for dudes" hurdle, an even harder one is beyond it
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"find PBs for adults"
bitchin camaro
oh lord
bitchin camaro
good luck
truly this is hell
I mean, I know this because finding the PB for Kazuki was a chore
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Zerochan has dudes but they're very... consistent in their designs, I'm finding
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if I want a PBs for a shouting doofus: tough luck
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if I want a guy who looks like
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Page 1 of 58,000
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sometimes it's harder to find PBs for losers
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that's enough hunting for now, I'll find the rest another time
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resists temptation to make Hayato's PB just be Hayato from Getter Robo
this is what i use for a lot of PB searching
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oh my god there's a "random female" button but not a "random male" button
there actually is a random male function coded in
replace "random=2" in the link w/ "random=1"
but for some reason there's just... not a button for it???
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hahha that's ridiculous
I need to grab that link later
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OKAY, that was some good progress on art assets
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OH while I have a dailyplurk open, have a question for the party
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Do any of you feel like your characters will be particularly restricted or difficult to play before their Shadow confrontation
Love Snake Kaja
That's not the case for Aiko. Her issues are mostly buried inside.
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just thinking about shadow order
Love Snake Kaja
Yeah, figured. Point is, you can push Aiko's off until later.
Kazuki might be a bit reluctant, but I don't think he'll be tough to play.
So feel free to slot his confrontation wherever it would be appropriate.
lazy loafer
Nah, not particularly for me. Kouki's darn psyched for all this.
lazy loafer
Though who knows how he'll feel a bit afterward, heh.
Princess Emily
Emiko might be the best to slot for an early shadow confrontation then
Nah, I don't think I'll have any issues.
Princess Emily
This is because
Princess Emily
all of our characters have deep-seated issues
Princess Emily
yeah, yeaaaah
I wouldn't mind if Kazuki went early on if only because it seems like he's going to be Emiko's "introduction to town" companion the way we have it set up
and Emiko could promptly lose her shit over that
Princess Emily
...that is tru