Do I want coffee? I've been trying to replace it with tea a lot this week, but... cold brew with milk sounds so good...
yes, yes you do
do it for me since i cant
yeah I think I will
It's just annoying bc I can't use my debit card
Hermit Lesbian
What happened to your debit card? Or the place you're going won't take it?
Oh, at work they don't let you use your discount and a credit/debit card if the purchase is under $10
so you need to either have cash or keep a gift card loaded
i caved and got cold brew and a banana blueberry muffin
Hermit Lesbian
Yeah. It's dumbbbb.
I just hate reloading my gift card over and over and over x infinity
It's weird being in the cafe with no Jess or Ani or KaeLi
though Ying Ying and Hannah and Tess are nice
Ying Ying is really cute though, I love her