I really want to show off photos from my hiking trip / botcon / etc
you should!
but in some of these photos my clothes sat weird since I was sitting down and I look kind of juvenile and promiscuous and in the hiking ones I purposely wore all my ugliest old clothes
so I look really frumpy and I feel really awakward about how my clothes make me look super out of shape and generally frumpy. (Since they're my rattiest clothes for the woods)
And I've been going bra-less for a long while (except when I'm being professional/doing work stuff) and I'm feeling self conscious about these photos
ahhh, that's understandable then
maybe go through and just share what you're comfortable with?
>_> the scenery ones I guess. There's some good ones here of other people, but since I was fooling around on the ground prior, or say, swimming down some rapids in a borrowed bathing suit
My body looks like a brick or I look like I'm in underpants when really I'm in real clothes. ugh.
right, right. Private plurks are also always an option? But ultimately, you should just do what you feel most comfortable with
Is it weird / bad / uncouth / awkward / vain??? to say "Look at these photos of the cool places I went, but normally I look WAY better and am in WAY better shape?" Because I feel like that's
really socially awkward
NAH, everybody looks rough around the edges every now and again, and it's not vain/etc to point it out