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[mad max] thinking about toast

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and like? between the fact that she's the only one of the wives with short hair and the fact that she seems to have more real-life-wasteland skills than all of the others put together

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I'm wondering if she mightn't have been a relatively recent acquisition?

notably she doesn't seem super close to the rest of the wives compared to the way the rest of them interact with each other?

idk she doesn't fit into the neat pairs like we have dag & cheedo and angharad & capable as being closest to each other

and toast has a tendency to kind of be off to the side doing her own thing a little more often than the rest of them

obviously they are all very important to each other still toast is just not AS super close ya feel me, so that would make sense

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which would make sense if she'd only been there a few months

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(although I could also see her being kind of a teacher's pet and having a closer relationship with Miss Giddy than any of the other wives)

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but yeah like, the way she's the one who picks up on Max's plan when he wants to turn around, the way she grabs the gun and starts reloading it when Angharad doesn't know how...

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I've seen people talk about that like she's just particularly clever or a quick thinker, but to me it really looks more like she's been on the road before. it looks more like experience than intuition.

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she doesn't act as sheltered as the other girls

i think toast definitely had more of a life before being snatched up

admittedly dag and cheedo are close because they're actually together but you're right about the pairs

toast is more solitary it seems but i think definitely if angharad wasn't there in the beginning she would be their leader

she kind of IS more the leader

oh yeah no i know they're like ACTUAL GIRLFRIENDS but y'know, pairs of particular closeness of one kind or another

oh definitely

i love toast the most out of the wives tbh

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if she'd only been captured a few months before -

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and I'm kind of baselessly assuming that a: cutting prisoners' hair is standard procedure at the citadel and b: joe prefers long hair on his women,

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so the length of Toast's hair could be an indication of how long she's been there - I kind of wonder if she mightn't have been the catalyst for the escape plan?

idk if i would place her as their leader really because i think angharad being their leader comes from a more emotional place than anything, but she's definitely a brains of the operation kinda gal

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like, Angharad was definitely the leader, but it could have been Toast coming in being all "this is awful, I want to get back out there, it's totally possible to survive"

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that made Angharad think that maybe they could pull it off if they could get someone to take them

that'd contradict the tie-in comic but the tie-in comic has more garbage in it than anything else so i am super here for catalyst toast

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I haven't read the tie in comic and I don't really plan to tbh

the tie-in comic is like "lol no" in my opinion

toast being like "you know this isn't the life you're doomed to you know" makes more sense

the nux backstory was good, the joe backstory wasn't bad, but the furiosa comic was 95% "you stop that" bare minimum

I am perfectly happy with the comic not being canon, because I'm sure the fandom can come up with fifteen better backstories before breakfast

but i am SO HERE for toast being the one like hey we could do better, angharad being the first to go "we totally could" and bringing everyone else on board

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& kind of feeding into both "toast isn't as close to the other girls" and "toast has more ties to the outside world," I like how she usually ends up sitting by the window in the war rig?

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like you get the others kind of piled together in the middle, and toast staring out the window