Be Maki-Mine 💘
[Inside Out] I've seen this movie and I am writing up a Haruhi AU immediately
Be Maki-Mine 💘
This is sort of merging Disappearance and canon elements into a story where Inside Out is the only surreal element so with that out of the way
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Once upon a time Joy was in charge and everything was great. Haruhi had islands for Family, and Friendship, and Faith in Personal Specialness, and also Traditional Culture, and Paranormal Activites.
Be Maki-Mine 💘
Now I believe that minds tend towards structures like 1-2-2 or 2-3 so it's really easy for me to say that Anger and Disgust were the main support for Joy at this time. Sadness and Fear work on complex things
Be Maki-Mine 💘
Much like Riley's sadness was forced to read those manuals. In sixth grade Haruhi was taken to a baseball game and had to contemplate the huge population of the world. Sadness was required for this calculation
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And this moment coexisted with the core memory that originally fueled Faith in Personal Specialness, so that personality island mutated into Existential Doubt and Loneliness. Joy went out on a journey to fix it
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Over the rest of sixth grade the Family and Friendship islands completely deteriorated (both of Haruhi's parents work and once she hits middle school are virtually absent) and then Anger went looking for Joy.
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Out of the three remaining emotions, it's a 1-2 setup with Sadness and Fear on menial tasks and then Disgust is actually in charge especially socially. In seventh grade an Academic Success island emerges
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But Disgust was behind that core memory. This enables Haruhi to continue getting out of bed in the morning, attending school, and completing work, just without looking remotely appetized by any of it.
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Sadness and Fear are instrumental in keeping Disgust from implementing too many self-destructive idea lightbulbs. Fear is worried that everything will be the same and has Safely Change Things Up ideas
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Sadness doesn't want to be lonely forever and has Meet Other People or Make Overtures of Sadness ideas. However pretty much all of these depend on Paranormal Activities island and so they work very badly.
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Traditional Culture Island dependent ideas are not good enough for Disgust. Finally in ninth grade they manage to put in an idea that results in her meeting friends (in canon this is Kyon in EJ it's the crew)
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When Haruhi first interacts with New Friend the Sadness-Disgust-Fear crew doesn't really know what to do but eventually a Quirky Clubgoer island emerges. Joy and Anger use this to come back together
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and they make Haruhi's first two-tone memory (in canon this would be the part where she announces to the members minus Itsuki that she intends to find paranormal creatures and play with them)
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At this point Joy is like "I have a great idea. I'm going to come up with things that make Haruhi happy. Anger here will react to anything getting in the way of that plan so we don't need to worry about safety"
Be Maki-Mine 💘
And Disgust especially is like thank god I'm taking a vacation (this involves touching memories of many people who are not Haruhi's new friends) and Fear is okay with only being called in for emergencies
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Now that Disgust is on vacation Sadness is able to gently suggest that they do more activities with Traditional Culture Island (she is sad they didn't have these experiences in middle school)
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Sadness isn't really sure that having two emotions in charge is a good idea but Haruhi is happy in a somewhat genuine way for the first time in, like, four years.
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This happiness poses very little danger to Haruhi which is why Fear can take a break but it's mostly so safe because of Anger entitled to accessing Sadness's serious knowledge and talking herself outta shit
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that Haruhi might not deserve to evade!! Disgust is just so done that she isn't doing anything to inhibit the way Haruhi harms other people. Sadness is trying to step up her game.
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So basically the ideal setup (Haruhi is inching towards this very slowly) would be Joy first Anger second Sadness in a very firm third Disgust Fear.
Be Maki-Mine 💘
I'm done for now. I wanted to do this as a drawing so bad but Im... sore...