Dead Fledermaus
You know the fireworks are good when you can smell them and/or the alarms from half the cars in the neighborhood go off.

Dead Fledermaus
We found a great spot right on the edge of a hill so we had a unencumbered view.

Dead Fledermaus
Also there was an actual drone flying over our heads filming it the entire time.

Dead Fledermaus
When the show ended it flew back to its owner's house. We're living in the fucking future, man.

gremlin wife
that's AWESOME

Dead Fledermaus
It was trippy. Idgie's brother was the one who told us what it was.

Dead Fledermaus
Apparently his neighbor, with whom he sometimes does videography/editing work, has her own fucking drone for filming.

Dead Fledermaus
I just can't believe drones are already to the point that people can have their own private flying robots.