The Fool
[rp/writing] Crushes though. CRUSHES. I want to write them forever. Maybe I should write a crush fic. probably with fapping
The Fool
Why am I so obsessed with writing people fapping while thinking of other people? Last time I counted my fapping fic files had over 100 docs in them. (unsure)
The Fool
I'm pretty sure no one else writes fapping that much.
The Fool
But anyway. Ahem. CRUSHES.
The Fool
The Fool
Crushes are just super fun though, whether they involve smutty things or not.
The Fool
especially with silly kids
The Fool
I just love writing the MUST ACT NORMALLY
The Fool
and failing miserably but being like "that was normal, right? RIGHT?"
The Fool
And telling someone and then being like DON'T SAY ANYTHING OR MY LIFE WIL BE OVER
The Fool
growing out of them is fun to write too, especially if it's gradual and sort of an unclenching feeling
The Fool
like "wow I talked to x today and my heart didn't hurt?"
The Fool
I have to decide how/when Mikado will grow out of his Carvaka crush.
Reminds me of when Mikado had a crush on Kon (LOL)
The Fool
that was such a fun crush xp
it was cute
The Fool
it waaas
The Fool
sadly I think both he and Ai would be pretty hard to write crushing much in Ariel these days
Ai's happy where he is and Mikado needs to regain his balance
The Fool
yes! exactly.
The Fool
well and Ai is so caught up in politics and stuff
The Fool
I think if he crushed on anyone it'd be because he idealizes them as a rebel
(pol licks even) and...who knows who'd that be, not his lovers
The Fool
The Fool
the biggest problem with his relationship is politics
The Fool
which is also part of why I think any crush would be someone who was rebellion-focused
which are a few people in Ai's life rn actually
The Fool
The Fool
Ed is auto-out because he's dating so many people. Unless I guess that made him "safe to crush on" I guess
how many people is he dating these days I don't even know
The Fool
idk either xp
Let's go with a lot and leave it at that (LOL)