Here are some whelks. And the harbour. And my thumbnail which has a dot of eyeliner on it. Side-note, I love my new phone's camera!
Very nice! What phone did you get?
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact because I have baby hands but still wanted a decent phone this time around
But not TOO fancy!
I'd like a new phone but I'm brassic atm. Got a 4 year old HTC Sensation which is still ok really, but the camera is a bit pants
Ah Subversive had an HTC Sensation a few years back, but he smashed the screen like after a month or so, and then had to give it back to his employer when he left....
Aren't you due for an upgrade? They didn't charge me any extra for this phone even though my old one was a much lower like...tier...although I did get a more expensive contract :/
Morgan 🎀
jeeealous oooocean reaches
Sort of, it was a £30 contract when I got it (on Orange) but I got it unlocked and moved to Tesco when it finished and I'm now on a £7.50 contract
With me, Alex and all the kids our monthly mobile bill is £42
So don't want to go to high
Nah that makes sense :/
Bloody children
Tell me about it....
Morgan 🎀
PepperAnneMint: There's more of it that way!
Lowtide is the unprettiest
ronberwick: Help yourself!
Morgan 🎀
I love the ocean even at low tide I haven't seen the ocean in like, ten years
omg sea snails you eat?
PepperAnneMint: Here it is out my spare room window! Come visit!
(actually that scaffolding in the image is for an extansion they;re building next door that'll block that sea view )
Morgan 🎀
I have no idea where you even are
: So good. So gooood.
PepperAnneMint: It's England. A bit of a long trip, I confess.
: Also, you come visit. Eat whelks!
Morgan 🎀
K I'll go to England.
Morgan 🎀
Dunno bout whelks but I'll go
Caitlin Tobias
Ok I'll ask what no one else has......why does your thumbnail have a dot of eyeliner on it
: Haha, I had some waterproof liner I was trying to see if it had dried up, so I drew on my thumb with it but then some of it wouldn't come off...Also, SOME MYSTICAL INTERESTING THING!