idek i finally posted to the first planning post since weirdly my team didn't have one but i'm cool w plotting the second bit and just making it fit w w/e the first bit winds up being
I might as well throw up an expedition comment up sometime today. idek if someone wants to start something on the facility log. church will def not be concerned about tony
he hasn't really made one since answering yes to the 'hey can me and twelve of my buddies all have special armor suit things?' question and that one still doesn't really count as one
everyone but someone who can fly >> crowding in a jeep and then everyone stare at church running his mouth and then consistently putting his foot into it
church isn't going to know shit. honestly he probably won't consciously remember beta-lactamase. it'll be one of those things that get like. buried down until when he needs it and then pulls out of his ass
Natasha will take notes to show Tony, because she doesn't know wtf that molecule is, but he might. Assuming he's not dead or w/e, because she would like him back, sketchy scientists. D:<
pretend like we're going to rescue tonypost to the lab or like