Xmas Joker Nott doesn't know about Knuckles digging, but he will be asking for drill boy which could could prompt Knuckles to offer his abilities to see if he can get under the barrier?
Xmas Joker
He would certainly do that.
Xmas Joker
I don't think he would be successful in tunneling in, but he'll likely give it a try.
Xmas Joker
Granted because he doesn't have his full strength his digging will be a bit on the slow side, but he's an excellent digger regardless.
Oh I don't expect any of this to actually work
Xmas Joker
Well no it would be too easy.
Xmas Joker
But at least I would get to show off some of his abilities.
Yeah the reason I didn't know what to do was because once Nott started trying to get in he wouldn't stop and that would get pretty boring, and frustrating to pay out.
But now I got a end in mind I figure why not give the unaffected a way to show off what they can do?
sparrow Speaking off, Maybe we can have some Jiminy/Nott times?
Treva Maybe some new CR between Nott and Soundwave too? I'm sure that will end well
I'd be down for this :>
Haha when Nott can't push any more he'll try to blast (Or unmake) a crack for Jiminy to go though... and fail at that too
8D I would be game for that, he might not be chatty but if he tries to fly over and gets shoved away he'd at least land to check it out...
Cool, when Nott asks for Drill boy he'd tell any flyers not to fly over the plaza too He's not expecting them to get pushed out but rather fall in instead since that happened in a storm in the past.
LOL well that's good to know
Yeah, in that storm most of Nott's CR was on the other side of this really really big wall, which Nott was dumb enough to try and climb. He froze up due to his fear of heights
Rex saved him flew him over the wall...and then promptly lost his ability to fly oops.
Oh dear
Yeah that would suck
And that was how Nott almost got over his fear if heights and gained a fear of flying. (He's now pretty much beaten his fear of heights all together, flight on the other hand... Nope)
xD Poor Nott... That would be a less than thrilling experience with flying, yes
Rex's ability to fly is based on bending though, if I remember? Idk if that would make any difference in this situation, but