tea’s gone cold
[makeup] GREAT, the brushes I bought have been 'updated' by the seller which basically means it's pixellated out the label which basically means they're fakes.
tea’s gone cold
I should have known it for £3.33, but, still, sigh. I wanted some good brushes because I have a set of the most terrible, terrible Technic eyeshadow brushes that are so bad I actually use the sponge applicators
tea’s gone cold
tea’s gone cold
moral - don't buy makeup on ebay
tea’s gone cold
sorry, it wasn't Technic, it was Royal.
tea’s gone cold
....maybe they'll be alright
tea’s gone cold
FI, just bought the Eye Set from Makeuprevolution.
tea’s gone cold
why is even cheap makeup so expensive
tea’s gone cold
how am i supposed to be able to afford this shit with 70p to a male £
tea’s gone cold
tea’s gone cold
anyway, i'll use the fake brushes for painting.
Big Bad Guzma.
I'd try them first, I've got no name brushes that were good. Otherwise, painting is a good idea!
some painting brushes, conversely, are good for makeup
Big Bad Guzma.
That's so true, especially tiny thin brushes.