Do you keep your phone on silent when you're in a hospital? Cause I kinda feel like that's common decency
People could be napping, have sensitivity to your loud ass shitty ringtone, or it could interrupt and important conversation between patient and doctor
leilany | meme
yeah on vibrate!
Anna | Jacq
I keep it on silent pretty much any time I'm out in public.
leilany | meme
Lady Bintley
Yeah, mine is always silent. Which is why I miss all my calls..
Feeling like decking this guy who in between playing YouTube videos, has his phone going constantly, super loud.
Mmw Strangelove
Mine is always on silent. If someone calls it flashes the flashlight instead. (I work with headphones on always, never see it ringing otherwise.)
He's not even a patient.
Mmw Strangelove
I do. Mine goes TROLOLOLOLOLOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL for like ten minutes if the ringer is on.
Mine does a super quiet vibrate, and I keep mine on soft surfaces so it doesn't do that harsh buzz it does on tables etc
I guess it depends on the ward, this one is diagnostics and recovery so lots of pain and lots of sleeping, so having any kind of tone is liable to interrupt rest
Yes always. And in public like on trains and in restaurants, vibrate only, it's polite.
Auryn Beorn
I keep my phone silent unless I'm in the car or outside any building. I check from time to time, when it's silent. The world isn't falling apart if I return a call five minutes after.
I didnt but I was in my own room with no one else around. If I was in a ward I would keep it on vibrate
There's signs all around the ward asking visitors (not patients) to have their phones off or silent.
Mmw Strangelove
drop it in someone's bedpan!
^^ someone's FULL bedpan!