[mood stuff, mental health etc] I've been in a pretty good mood overall today, which is nice
I am clearly On The Upswing, which is always refreshing, but I can't tell if or when I'm going to bottom out again-- I actually texted my therapist not long ago but haven't heard back yet
so I'll have to bug him again soon
but like... idk, it's been weird, for as generally happy as I've been feeling, I've also had this lingering feeling of like, being annoying? like "I'm being a bother to people" kinds of thoughts
fortunately since I'm not Very Sad it hasn't really been getting me down, but it's been nagging in the back of my mind and I'm not sure how to make it go away :'|
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Getting concrete evidence is the way I deal with it. Just plain asking the people I worry about bothering them to tell them if they could (gently) let me know if I actually am and having that trust that they
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will. It's worked out as long as it is a stern look or a no or not now.
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I worry about it myself, and can relate with the boarderline obsessive worry.
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Er... with my board etceetcetc
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Which I know asking is like omfg anxiety thing too, but I honestly feel better when I know I can trust that I'll be gently told or the fact that absence of being told means I'm actually not.