This is Bix. If you have a critisism/concern/complaint to air with me speak up.
I'm doing this on anon so people have that cloak to hide behind
Unless I get feedback I don't know if I'm doing something wrong
i don't know whether this was spurred by any sort of recent drama, and i know it's always tricky to word this kind of thing. but i would caution that ATM this reads as pretty hostile and would make me
unlikely to offer you feedback elsewhere.
i know that may not have been the intent, so it's worth noting that it's mostly the insinuation that someone offering anonymous comments or crit is being cowardly.
anyway, i hope your day goes well from here!
I fully admit to being annoyed at a pile of small irritations lately, and it's what's spurred this.
I feel like people tend to be more honest when anon, I'm not accusing anyone of being cowardly for using it. People can be hard to talk to and sometimes it's easier.
Idk how it's hostile? Maybe that's just me. Anyway, I would say that you kinda...tend to get a little too personally involved in Malik, but that's more an observation than a complaint
I would suggest sitting back more often and distancing yourself
From things that get him upset, or projecting when you yourself are upset
agreed with above. sometimes I question your IC/OOC divide some and that can get uncomfortable. otherwise i don't have much.
Thank you both. It is definitely something I will make an effort to work on. I will admit that some OOC situations are having me feel like I have to react a certain way ICly, and-
I don't see a need to hound after other parties that seem to have little interest in things.
I don't know anything about situations where you'd need to hound someone. I just know that sometimes your mood seems to follow his and vice versa, at least about negative things.
... I kind of feel like that's a position that leads to more trouble than it solves, kudu241. There's nothing wrong with asking for feedback directly.
That said, Bix, you're definitely coming off as having a very strong position on whatever prompted this that you aren't sharing, which makes a general "feedback!" request somewhat disingenuous.
I think, if you're looking for honest responses on a specific issue, it's best to name the issue, and if you're addressing a specific person, it's best to address them one on one, in private.
That's much more likely to be productive.
rat is wise
Ah, that is a good point. Yeah, don't let someone anger you to the point of doing something that comes off as angry and pa. That's...kind of what they want
So they can go "see? See???"
I apologize for getting upset and wanting some answers when apparently people think I'm a stalker and follow up with accusations of identity theft
I figured that giving whomever it was a chance to speak without me knowing who it was was somewhat smarter than running round accusing everyone
honestly this is a little reasonable considering the accusation
Either way, I now have rather little reason to want to trust anyone enough.
it also assumes that the person responsible is on your timeline
I highly doubt anyone would have said a blessed thing un-anon, gnu.
ngl i barely know who you are but this was such a vagueplurk i went to check out what was going on and it looks like there's, like, one person potentially grudging and a couple of people ???ing at them
I don't blame you for being upset but I think it's extremely unlikely the source of that rumor/accusation/whatever is on your timeline
an anon plurk could've worked out well but you'd have to drop the snide hostility. if most people don't know what's going on, an accusatory op just startles and discomforts people.
not a look you want to rock when you're dealing with someone trying to spread rumors.
you guys sound like dicks
i wouldn't be surprised if the accusations were coming from inside the house
this response seems harsh, people. consider that bix is stressed out and in a position where it's hard to trust anyone. i'd have difficulty not sounding hostile, either.
and tbh this plurk didnt read to me as hostile in the first place
It seemed somewhat out-of-the-blue aggressive to me, as I had no idea what even prompted it when I first read it. Not gonna hold a grudge,
especially now that I do, but that was an honest first impression of it.
it seemed pretty forward, which rpers always misinterpret as hostility.
which is also why this is happening anon instead of with names attached
grow up. if it's grudgewank, it will get drop. vagueplurking (yeah, i'm talking about your cersei emote plurk and your IMMA DRINK plurk today) does nothing other than show passive aggressiveness
it discredits your stability as a mod - snacky did the same thing. no one wants that again.
this anon plurk was not a bad idea. until you reach "cloak to hide behind". when you act like this in the face of anon crit, whose gonna wanna come to your face?
I don't think the original plurk sounded bad at all, certainly not as much as some people here seem to. But I do still feel like you should've been straightforward about the issue if you wanted to address it
It sounds harsh, but it's true. You're acting like a complete brat over this.
I mean, if someone's throwing around accusations of you being a stalker, that's pretty serious, whereas "speak up if you have criticism" sounds like... well, like you want to know if people don't like your RP
I'm sorry you're dealing with that, though, and that this plurk has gone the way it did.
This plurk by itself, is eyebrow-raising, but not that bad. However, the one with Cersei's emote stuck all of this right into "Wow, really?" territory.
there's nothing wrong with being stressed out, but the magic of the internet is that you don't have to blurt out your first reaction.
you can step away, work out your stress elsewhere, assess the whole situation, and respond in a constructive way.
personally i'm not going to grudge about this bc not everyone can magically intuit that kind of PR-juggling but i won't sugarcoat in saying it was terribly handled.
if you want to be forward, be forward. but being all snide on an anon plurk reads like 1) the point is not genuinely to get honest criticism, but to lure out the person you know is lurking, which is
2) a really passive-aggressive way of going about things and 3) shows poor understanding of the situation because even if they are on your plurk their original raising of the issue shows they
probably aren't interested in bringing anything to your face.
The ceresi one was about my job. I didn't have time to expand on it before my shift started last night. I reacted poorly with this plurk (done on my lunch break) and the one following, I will fully admit that.
4) and you get to be snide to faceless anons who probably won't break the Law of Anon and confront you about it un-anon. that effect works both ways in anon plurks, OPs aren't immune.
5), this one isn't really a direct your fault thing because it's an effect a lot of people just don't understand, but being vague about something you've been accused of makes people really really suspicious
unless they're already close enough to have full faith in you.
i don't automatically believe you Did Something Wrong because i believe 95% of wank is the product of miscommunications and not malice, but i want to let you know for the future that
acting really defensive around people who don't know why you're acting defensive is just a bad idea always and accomplishes the opposite of what you want to happen.
now, all of this is hindsight 20/20 etc, so again, not grudging on you for it. but please take a lesson in internet PR away from it.
speaking of 20/20 hindsight, my 4) reads like gibberish. i think a better explanation is that doing an anon plurk and immediately painting the concept of anon as "cowardly" is kind of hypocritical,
Thank you. I can't promise that I won't react emotionally without thinking again, but I am going to try to both take the time to think first and be better at phrasing my thoughts.
because in an anon plurk the responding anons aren't the only ones who benefit; the OP has the luxury of not thinking of them as the people on their timeline and can/will think of their
replies differently than they would with the names attached.
case in point: remarks about "rather little reason to want to trust anyone enough".
everyone here is a person who is on your regular timeline. that's a pretty big slap in the face.
not saying that everyone on your timeline is best fwends - like i said, personally i barely know who you are - but imagine saying that un-anon.
to un-anoned people on your timeline.
...Yeah. I was definitely being harsh and reactionary.
If this ever happens again, which I hope it doesn't, definitely follow that distancing yourself thing. Do some self-care. Take a shower. Paint your toenails.
Just never jump to conclusions and try to provoke people who actually care enough to have followed you here on plurk
We may not all be beasties, but no one likes seeing someone they know become the victim of baseless grudgewank
Let the fucker who started it flounder, they obviously have nothing to back up their claims
But if you really want to be a mod, you need to be able to shrug these things off