Man, lots and lots of memes today..... I think I like this one best. Toss in a muse and a symbol or letter, get headcanon?
The others don't look quite as appealing (thinking)
(Did you get nommed on aim?)
Pidgin is a piece of shit and not good about pings v_v
All the symbols for Axel
fffffff cheater (LOL)
I prefer to think of myself as audacious.
Point :|a
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Demyx, N-P.
sleepy sleepy
Axel, V and Y
sister_midnight : Ooookay, let's see here..... Sleep! Axel canonly looooooves his sleep, he spends his ONE DAY OFF in god knows how long sleeping. Headcanonly, I tend to think he cuddles in his sleep; he
gravitates towards the nearest heat source and latches onwhich is generally absolutely nothing, if he's alone, and the other person, if he's sharing a bed. He's got two modes for sleepingjumpy and paranoid,
in which he's a hair-trigger light sleeper and ready to be bristling and swinging the second he wakes up; or sleeping like the fucking dead, it'll be super fucking heavy if he feels safe.
.......Plurk, stop that. >( /swats strikethrough
(And if you want stuff for any specific AU, feel free to point that out, I'm going based on canon ATM)
Canon is good for me.
Sad headcanon..... Axel's basically got zero self-worth. Trauma/PTSD, survivor's guilt, being dehumanized and almost wholly isolated and made to live in fear for a good 10+ years of one of the most formative
parts of his life, buying into the whole pressure to become a tool and unflinchingly obedient soldier who does horrible things no matter what the cost, living a lie and strangling his genuine self, all his
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Oh no, Axel. :<
loved ones leaving him through death/betrayal/drifting away, etc. etc. He's basically got a METRIC SHITTON of reasons to hate himself and find his own life and everything that comes with it totally expendable.
Even as Lea, just starting to remember how to be human and have normal bonds of friendship, he still finds himself to be damaged goods. He's broken, but as long as he can jury rig a duct tape fix, he's still a
functional enough tool/weapon to fight in the upcoming war with Xehanort. And given how incredibly likely it is he's going to be killed in the battle, it's okay if the fix doesn't last very long. He just has to
get Isa away from Xehanort and do his best to get Sora into a position where he and his friends can save the day, and it's okay if he dies. What the hell would he even do afterwards ANYWAY?
:< /gives him cuddles
/gathers him up
Bonus for sad headcanon: he realizes how INCREDIBLY much of it is his own damn fault, so it's even further justified in his mind.
Axel: o.o /gathered up? Wriggles~
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
nooooooooooooo /snuggles him
Axel: ....... /awkward snuggles~
And for some whiplash, happy headcanon! Whenever Axel wants to help shake himself out of a funk easier, he always heads for a good perch. He loves high places; they're thrilling, and you feel like you own the
whole world when you see everything spread out under you, and he always liked to imagine what it'd be like to fly. Plus, lots of playing around in trees and jungle gyms and such, and he probably made like a
monkey whenever he got in trouble and escaped somewhere the adults couldn't REACH him to punish him at. That only got more solidified with getting to relearn friendship on the clock tower with Roxas and Xion.
The trip to Neverland where he got to fly with Roxas thanks to Tinkerbell is one of his most specific fond memories he has with the guy, aside from their time just hanging out in general.
Angry/violent headcanon..... Axel has a long fuse, an explosive temper, and a very bad habit of ignoring/dismissing/bottling up/running away from his problems. If he pretends they don't exist, they can't affect
him, right? LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!11 So he'll end up just NOT THINKING about them, or tossing on little bandaid fixes, or even making incredibly poor life choices and handling them about the SHITTIEST
way possible. But when it has to come out, it almost always comes out explosively, far worse than it really needs to, and the fall out is just painful and ugly.
He's usually ended up complicating shit, like how stuff turned out with Roxas and Xion. (unsure) If he'd been, IDK, a decent friend who knew how to handle conflict and negative emotions and stress relatively
gracefully, who really understood how to RESPECT his friends as people who were smart and competent enough to make their own choices..... well, maybe he wouldn't have lied to them, hid shit, hurt them, and kept
them in an environment he KNEW FULLY WELL was hideously toxic just because he was terrified of being alone and knew someone (probably him) would be sent to hunt them down and maybe kill them.
TBH, his fighting style is like that, too. He's very much a mid-range fighter by preference, he slings magic and uses his chakrams as throwing weapons, and does a very hit-and-run agility/acrobatics/speed-based
style of racing over to hurt someone, then darting back out of range to do it all over again, so they can't have a proper chance to CATCH him to hurt him back. If he's forced to get into close quarters, things
suddenly get nasty and vicious very fast.
Sex headcanon~ I repeat myself on this one forever. Axel is all for BDSM, and the more he cares about you, the more of a sub he probably is. He doesn't trust himself not to fuck anything up, so it's safer for
his partner to have the control and make the choices. Being owned is a very safe place to be, and it's good reassurance that someone won't just abandon/betray him and leave him alone and just FORGET about him
like he's used to, he has Issues with that kind of solitude and lack of connection. The same general mindset applies for stuff like marking and biting/scratching and whatnot. Beneath it all, he's kind of a
needy/clingy/vaguely yandere shit who never really lets himself express it.
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
yandere shit XDDDDD
In-depth CR between him and Lacie will be so fun. It's like they're designed to mesh in just such a way that things will be interesting and kinda fucked up.
Yes, yandere shit. XD It is him. He will do fucked up shit for you and to you, while sincerely believing it's for your own good, even if he (should) know(s) better.
Yesssss~ Thoughts on this meshing and/or scenario ideas?
Bedroom/house/living quarters..... Axel's bedroom in the Castle is absolutely sterile, of course. Pure white, no personal effects except for the uniforms in his closet, absolutely nothing to soften it and make
it HIS, let alone comfortable or inviting. Hell, their beds canonly don't even have BLANKETS. It looks like he might even SLEEP in his uniform, going off canon. BUT UH. Left to his own devices in an environment
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Hawke could probs end up in Traverse Town or something like that, probably after Act I?
Well, we'd have to get her dropped into his world, I think. Either as a human or she could come out of her sacrifice and end up a Nobody like him. (thinking)
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Axel could show her the ropes? no dirty joke intended
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
that isn't quite so empty? He's fairly messy. Not the "sling trash all over the place" type, but he doesn't really put shit away properly, or make his bed more than half-assed, or stuff like that. He's pretty
good about knowing where everything IS, though, and he'd probably enjoy decorating his space once he was able to with weird little collected knickknacks like a magpie.
Either way could work! (thinking) Depends on how you'd want to play things.
(LOL) Yes, this is certainly possible, if you wanted to just TORCH the DA world. He can show Hawke all the ropes you want~ (evil_grin)
I dunno, I'll have to ruminate. (thinking)
Yus~ Nobody!Lacie probably means you'd get more Org dynamics, and you'd get to think up stuff like her element/weapon/X-anagram name. Human Lacie is probably going to end up steered fairly clear of those,
especially if she met Lea rather than Axel.
But yeah, magpie seems like an accurate idea for the decor. XD Nothing matches, nothing really makes sense together, it all just looked cool/was comfy/was something he happened to need or want at the time.
Romantic headcanon..... Axel is kind of oblivious to subtle overtures, basically because it just Does Not Compute in his mind why ANYONE would be crazy or stupid enough to love him, so they don't register as
It's been so long since I played Kingdom Hearts 2, I'd have to replay it to be sure! (LOL)
And I know next to nothing about Lea, but it might be fun just to be able to deal with him with proper feelings and all (aha)
romantic at all, they get processed some other way. He doesn't really believe he can or should be loved, and he wouldn't know what to DO with it all if someone smacked him across the face with romantic feels or
if he managed to somehow trip and fall flat on his face into romantic feels of his own. HALP SO CONFUSING ;3; WAT DO ABORT ABORT
(Those are fun feels)
XD Fair enough! And Lea is basically Axel + Heel Face Turn + Trying to be a Hero + Trying to remember how to be a Decent Human Being/Frand/Functional Person With Feels
Less asshole, more dork
(The most fun feels~ :3)
Family headcanon..... I tend to picture him as one of many kids, and he had to be loud/energetic/rambunctious/troublesome to get much attention at all? They loved him, but ugh, chaos and busyness. And probably
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Lea is so cute, tho
bought Potions by the flat for him being such a hooligan. They probably died in the Fall; he seems like he'd have wanted to reunite with them if they were alive? He's pretty sentimental about His People.
He IS adorable <3
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя
Friendship headcanon..... they make a LOT of it explicit, huh? XD I tend to stick by my belief that Axel has a hard time really being friends NORMALLY with someone, he wants to keep his distance and avoid being
used/manipulated/hurt/left behind. He didn't like Roxas at first, or Xion--they were both kind of forced on him as someone to babysit (and probably use for his Keyblade, knowing Saix being a scheming douchebag)
and an unwanted extra companion Roxas had replaced him with made friends with while he was gone. He just ends up falling into friendship by accident, getting used to people and getting fond of them in spite
of himself, even as he does his best to keep his guard up. Isa when they were little is probably the only really long-term, significant friend he's had that he willingly chose to be friends with. XD And in an
amusing reversal, my headcanon for how they got to be friends tends towards the "Hey, what're you doing? Wow, that is the dorkiest thing EVER. Are you a super nerd or something? C'mon, let's go play Frisbee."
"We're friends now! /promptly DRAGS OFF without allowing him any say in the matter."
a;ldjf sd(LOL)
(LOL) Because he was a LOT MORE DIRECT AND IMPULSIVE (and healthier emotionally) when he was a bitty thing
Also that much more of a brat, so
Quirks and hobbies...... NAPPING IS A LEGIT HOBBY SHUT UP. (nottalking) SO IS EATING ICE CREAM.
But norly, he doesn't have TIME for a lot of stuff like that, and it's probably discouraged in the Org, anyway. He trains, he naps, he sneaks out to have ice cream and chat with his friends even though THAT'S
probably against the rules too, he periodically trolls people..... he's kept busy enough that he needs stuff that can fill in those erratic cracks between tasks. He'll get restless if he's got too much
free time and no idea what to do with it, or himself, just because he hasn't HAD that sort of luxury since he was a kid. As for quirks..... Super expressive with his hands when he's talking. Has a penchant for
really shitty jokes and puns, and the cheesiest friendship speeches possible. Lots of snark, likes trolling people. Well-disguised attention whore. And of course, the "got it memorized?" catchphrase is
quirky/annoying enough on its own. (unsure)
Likes/dislikes..... he HATES snow and rain and ice, he doesn't like being cold or wet unless he's swimming, and he hates them even more when they're together. (And yet he likes ice cream, go figure.) It's his
elemental weakness, miserable enough cold and damp will just make him ache and feel generally shitty because it's a harmful ambient environment and sucks to put up with. Besides, it makes it harder to light a
fire like that, too. (nottalking) He is, however, a lover of creature comfort and softness and warmth. If it's a nice bed, it's a real struggle to pry him out of it in the morning, he will happily burrow into a
big pile of fluffy pillows and blankets. He'll equally happily turn into mush for petting, as long as he likes/trusts you enough to let you touch him; that satisfies the hedonism AND attention whoring
(Spoiler: He's actually a cat, not a Nobody. Shhhhhhh.)
( )
......I've already put a lot of childhood stuff in here. XD So hmmm. He's always been a super shitty student. It's not that he's not SMART, but he's naturally energetic and easily bored/distracted and does
a lot better with getting his hands dirty with doing it himself/practically experimenting with things than he does with order and structure and discipline, and things that don't seem to have any POINT to them.
Especially as a kid, he had a touch of ADHD to him that mellowed a bit as he got older, but it's ended up really internalized by now that he's a dumb brat and a good-for-nothing troublemaker who'll never amount
to anything. He doesn't think he's smart, he doesn't like reading or much of anything involving formal learning, and he's not really happy in a really structured environment with strict rules and authority that
takes away choice and control and freedom. It's absolutely stifling, and it contributes to him not knowing what he'd DO with himself after the war. He never really learned how to DO Normalcy with any skill, and
he's not confident he'll ever be able to. Even the idea of doing Keyblade shenanigans his whole life, probably the most palatable option around, he wouldn't believe he'd be any good as a teacher, he's always
hated them. At best he was a cool big brother/mentor figure for Roxas, nothing more.
He WOULD be a pretty good teacher, though, once he got over his misconceptions and learned how to be a better person/better friend/take more responsibility/handle conflict and stress and FEELS more
constructively. When he's older, he'll probably be a teacher with some adorable Keybitty apprentices, and after roaming for most of his life, he'll FINALLY have to set down roots somewhere to teach them. Likely
in some other world besides Radiant Garden, he might not be able to handle staying there with all the lingering trauma and bad feels.
Cooking/food..... sea salt ice cream is Axel's comfort/happy place food, of course. It holds lots of good memories and symbolism, it's how he spends bonding time with his friends, it's practically a way to
declare YEP, I like you, we're friends now. He's definitely got a sweet tooth, and he enjoys blistering levels of spice. (This is how he ensures Demyx never dares to touch his food again, let alone steal it.)
(The poor baby is scarred from how it burned. ;3; ) He's not a great cook himself, though. He doesn't have a lot of patience for it, and he tends to have a little too much fun with open flames. (unsure) If he
really has to, though, he can come up with SOMETHING edible.
Appearance..... His hair is naturally spiky like that, because Squeenix. He IS actually kind of wearing eyeliner, it's kohl from Agrabah, and he uses it to protect his eyes from the glare of his fire magic.
Looking fabulous is just a bonus. The bizarre ridiculous shift in his build is because Nobodies are creatures of basically pure willpower, the strength of their will and heart alone kept them from dying
when they lost their hearts. So in part their appearance is based on how they think of themselves, as well. So as Axel started trying to intentionally distance himself from his past and harden himself into a
deliberately very cunning, dangerous, ruthless, manipulative soldier, his looks started shifting to match. He turned leaner and SHARPER, lots more points and angles and hardness to him. He lost all the baby fat
and THEN some, and got a kind of foxy feline look to him, like he's just UP to something and you can never quite tell what he's thinking. Form followed function, he made himself look like the wildcard he became
Random headcanon..... the emptiness of the Castle(s) drives him nuts. He gets stupidly restless if EVERYTHING is quiet and still, he needs to have at least some audio or visual white noise, or something to do
with his hands or body in general. He'll hum or fiddle with stuff, or mess with the Dusks or his Assassins, or even listen to Demyx play sitar or do a few rounds of cards with Luxord. He taught himself how to
juggle at one point for lack of stuff to fill that space with, and he's pretty good at it, since I tend to headcanon he's ambidextrous.
sister_midnight : And the last one is a question of YOUR choosing.
So there~ :-P
Thank youuuu!
Sure! (heart_beat) What is your question, then?
sleepy sleepy : And since I'll skip over to here to stay on the same character..... (LOL) Axel doesn't really HAVE any creative outlets? He doesn't consider himself a creative person. I'd almost go so far as to say
his only real ART FORM is acting, because he's gotten so pitch perfect at it through necessity, and possibly violence/manipulation/fucking people over, since he's learned how to Fight Smarter and gotten really
good at this missions thing, to say nothing of how skillfully he played Castle Oblivion.
And I mentioned most of his inner demons up there. (unsure) The brokenness/self worth stuff, the PTSD, the struggle to think of himself as ABLE to be smart or normal or capable/deserving of loving relationships
He's fatalistic as hell, and he's given up on himself, and he really needs to relearn healthy humanity and feels and relationships that AREN'T full of hatred and backstabbing and fear. He needs to ease up a bit
on that paranoia, too.
ℓα∂у уєииєfєя : And now for Demyx. (LOL) The easy answer is that he really, really DOESN'T. If he's mildly unhappy or inconvenienced, he'll while and complain a lot and be very vocal about his displeasure.
If he's deeply, truly miserable or hurt or hateful, though, you'd never realize it even if it involved you. He keeps the depths of his feelings under lock and key, and he's an alarmingly good actor. He'll smile
and joke around and be friendly and carefree even if he utterly despises you, because most of the time there's absolutely nothing he can do about it, and nothing he can gain from showing his true colors.
If there by some chance happens to be a way to GET RID OF YOU, though? He will throw you under the bus without batting an eye or hesitating in the slightest, without a hint of remorse or mercy or pity, without
even breaking character. He'll cheerfully fuck you over and stand back to watch you die, all the while wincing and declaring that he's sure glad he dodged THAT bullet, that looks really awful!
Far best is if there's no way to tell he's behind it at all--for the victim, sure, but it's imperative that nobody ELSE realizes. If there's a safe, decisive means of action, he'll seize it; otherwise, he'll
just keep his head down and keep mum about it and try to just ride things out as well as possible and take the path of least resistance.
On a sleepless night, he'd definitely be found playing his sitar. He's not the kind of guy prone to much self-doubt or questioning himself, but if anything does prompt it these days, it's his music, wanting it
to SOUND RIGHT again, and wondering if he'll ever REALLY have that creative spark of inspiration/grasp of beauty and aesthetics that he used to. Music is grounded absolutely in emotion; it's kind of crippling
as a musician to lack a heart, not only for just playing music, but for appreciating and composing it, too.
Water Friend
Kisame, ✿ ♥ S, T, X
oceanica: Kisame resigned himself to not getting close to ANYONE, given the lack of assurance he wouldn't have to murder them in the future; that went as much for romance and sex as it did for friendship.
It's all a foregone conclusion that he'll never have anything approaching true intimacy with someone; the closest he'll ever get to sharing his life with someone is as a partner/teammate, and maybe, if his
circumstances ever end up permitting, an apprentice or two. His sexuality/sensuality is pretty much all tangled up with danger/power/violence/fighting/death, probably even more than..... well, actual sexual
situations. Given how Samehada tints things, it's easily the most sensual and intimate thing in his life, the feeling of killing someone and taking their life/chakra/soul(??? How does this shit work in Naruto?)
Water Friend
(Who knows (LOL))
into himself and letting it strengthen and heal and become a part of him.
(XD Srsly)
So he's not..... entirely right in the head. (unsure) If murder is the closest thing he has to sex. NATURALLY that means the whole thing gets WEIRD if he ends up in an actual relationship with someone he cares
about and doesn't WANT to die. Getting turned on by fighting and killing people is one thing. But how do you handle someone you LIKE? He ends up with a weird mix of ALL the violent shit as kinks and a kind of
jarring alternate side that goes for trust kinks and aftercare and being very gentle and careful with people because he ends up super concerned with losing control or hurting/breaking them, because he KNOWS how
Water Friend
strong he is, and where passion could lead him.
All the cute~
Water Friend
That's really adorable in a creepy professional murderer sort of way (LOL)
So if he likes you, he tends to defer and let you take the reins, and think of you as probably more fragile than you actually are. If he's not THAT invested, or convinced you can take all the abuse he can give,
then things can get vicious and super rough and violent.
(LOL) Creepy adorable, yup, that's him
Water Friend
Gee hm (LOL)
Water Friend
Who does he defer to despite being the senior partner by like a decade and change
Not to say he automatically gets dominant if he doesn't care, but it turns much more quickly into a fight for dominance, and he'll respect if you have the power and strength to MAKE him submit to you.
:-P Exactly
Who does he listen to? Who does he restrain himself on the battlefield for? Who does he constantly keep the physical condition of in mind to plan around?
Let's see, family headcanon.....
I can go either way on whether he's an isolated mutation or part of a legitimate bloodline clan, TBH. These days more towards the latter, since the former was before I knew about Fuguki, but he could always be
more pronounced in his inhumanity than most. I tend to think of his mom as the swordswoman he looked up to/got his dream of becoming one of the Seven from, since strong women role models are awesome. B|bb
A swordswoman, medic-nin, and elegant, gorgeous, graceful woman who was fucking TERRIFYING when she wanted to be, glorious yandereing. I headcanon Fuguki's a relative, too, so his mom probably pulled strings to
help get him in as an Apprentice. I have a vague Fuguki muse lurking around in the background, and he was a supreme hardass, but a fair one, who lived by the idea of tough love. He pushed hard cause he expected
a lot and thought highly enough of Kisame that he believed he could handle it and excel. Brutal fucking training, Kisame probably had a lot of broken bones and other fairly serious injuries as a kiddo, just
because this GIGANTIC FUCKING JOUNIN WITH A GIGANTIC FUCKING SWORD refused to pull his punches except to prevent fatal blows.
Earning affection..... demonstrating honesty and integrity? Showing that you trust him, maybe even need him? He's the sort to be friendly easily and friends only with a lot of difficulty and reluctance.
He didn't have a lot of normal affection growing up, Kirigakure kind of frowned on and actively discouraged that sort of thing, and he pulled back from it even more himself from sheer disillusionment. So his
brand of affection tends to be very much camaraderie-based and practical, because hell, the most precious and elusive thing in his life has ended up being faith in people. So that's the sort of thing he tends
to look for and extend in return, trust and belief and support in ways that make a concrete difference as well as resonate with such basic principles/values.
Uneasiness and apprehension..... duplicitousness is probably one of the quickest ways? He understands shady lifestyles, he LIVES one for like a third of his life. He gets paranoia and being quick to jump to
violence as an easy answer. But if you aren't acting in your own obvious best interest, or in the name of an easily understood goal, or seem less than on the level in your dealings with him, it'll raise his
hackles very quickly. He's going to be looking for the hidden agenda and how you're trying to lie to/deceive/fuck him over, and he'll be immediately soured on you as any sort of reliable contact or as a person,
given that he's waiting for the other shoe to drop somehow or the ambush to strike, whatever the case may be. You'll be forever second guessed and scrutinized.
Sea smells make him nostalgic for home, of course. (LOL) It's WEIRD to live on the mainland instead of an island, even after all this time. And the smell of molten metal makes him nostalgic for being a Genin,
because my headcanon tends to be that Kirigakure's D-rank missions were typically meant to benefit the village as a whole and make the Genin more useful and skilled, so they were a lot of trade-based and almost
infrastructure type things? Building and repairing ships, learning how to forge and repair weapons or other tools and supplies, mixing and preparing basic medicines for the medic-nins, stuff like that.
Water Friend
Yessss I love all this headcanon
Yes good~ Thoughts?
Water Friend
You mentioned maybe an apprentice... do you think the teacher+one student model (a la Zabuza and Haku) is somewhat common in Kiri?
Yeah, I think so. My thoughts tend to run that there are two basic models: the apprenticeship model like that, or the Jounin sensei model, much like in Konoha, with one important difference: You don't get a
permanent team, or sensei. You get shuffled and rotated around based on mission type, your skillset and experience, and the synergy it has with your potential teammates and sensei. Ostensibly, it's to give you
as wide a range of experience as possible and to get used to working with unfamiliar comrades quickly and efficiently to increase how flexible and adaptable you are. In reality, it's also to discourage forming
strong, lasting sentimental bonds with any person in particular, when you know you won't be working with them long and they could die at any point, a subtle enforcement of the shinobi code. Of course, you get
more frequent partnerships as skills and experience dovetail better, so you could start considering people your tentative "home" team, if you were lucky..... But the ideal situation was to get someone strong
and well-respected and high-ranking to take enough of an interest in you to take you on as an apprentice. That way you got the lasting interactions and intense one-on-one teaching that really developed your
skills quickly in the specific area you wanted to specialize in. It was usually intensive enough that most people would probably only have one, maybe two--after all, Suigetsu and his big brother were apparently
taught together? So it probably wasn't UNHEARD of to take two, but three? That was probably serious overkill unless you had a REALLY good reason for it.
Water Friend
God, I love your take on this
Water Friend
I would also love to plot PSLy things either in Kiri or Partnershippy
More reason for Kisame to not want to put stock in having a permanent partner who'd be Important To Him. Especially since he killed the LAST person who was that, Fuguki, for treason. >.>
This is an excellent idea. :|a PP so we can bounce around ideas?
Water Friend