if nightow was even 30% as good at designing characters as he was at doing backgrounds I would die. Maybe this is why he sucks so bad at it. and making sequential art readable
But yeah, I will never say that Nightow is the best manga artist out there, but omg -- it is seriously like he spends HOURS at backgrounds and then goes: oh yeah... characters two seconds later Done!
It still kills me that the main group is basically 2 original characters, a dude who stole Legato's haircut, Chronica with an eye patch, wolfwood with boobs, and wolfwood with a scar
I think what actually made me laugh so freaking hard was when I was reading the first volume of B3 there was a scene with... I think a drive in movie or a billboard
He lovingly crafts his backgrounds and his monster characters and he COULD ACTUALLY DRAW PEOPLE IF HE WANTED but naaaaaah let's make all the main characters look the same fuck it lol
Well, he did say he dressed Wolfwood the way he did because he got tired after drawing Vash and wanted something simple he could mash out in a few minutes
and making sequential art readable