Darling Potato
I am trying to find a shelter that will take a friend of mine and her two teens but they're all either full, won't take them because of the teenage boy, insist that they're in by a certain hour so she can't

Darling Potato
work at night to try and make the money they need to afford a place that rents weekly, or some other reason.

Darling Potato
I didn't realize how difficult it can be. I'm here visiting my parents so i don't have a place to offer them, I also can't afford to pay for them to stay somewhere. Ugh!

Darling Potato
It's times like this you realize just how big of a problem it is for homeless in need.

oh no

Dust Bunny
oh gosh

Darling Potato
Yeah..I seriously have no idea what to even tell her, sucks not being able to help someone.

Where is this happening? Maybe with everyone's help we could search for somewhere online that might be able to help??

Darling Potato
I appreciate that but we've called every place i could find, i'm going to figure something out.

omgosh, that is terrible! not even a mission? try all the churches!

Oh Darling, I'm sorry, I hope you guys get something figured out

also, maybe this helps but, go to the county offices where they do medicaid and food stamps and all that, they should have lots of resources too

Darling Potato
is there friends the teens can stay with so that it is only the mother that needs a roof for a bit. I am sure if she was able to speak to the parents of some friends they would help, even the school

I cannot imagine that a school wouldn't have some kind of way to do something on the down low

^ schools have resources too yah

Darling Potato
Thanks so much guys for the advice, I've been throwing info her way, I asked her about friends for the kids so hopefully she'll be able to do that.