son boy allowed
UPDATE: So we really have no idea what's wrong with the computer. It seems to be functional, but still acting sort of Off.

son boy allowed
So... I think what I'm gonna do is look into buying a new one. I think my folks will happily help out, especially since I'm more than willing to have "help paying for laptop" be my Christmas gift this year

son boy allowed
instead of whatever else I might have asked them for.


good luck ;; I hope you can get something easily

son boy allowed
For now, I'll try to get this computer back in working order so that I can at least use it to carry on with work and tags and maybe hunting down some things that I had downloaded within the past year

son boy allowed
so that I can start building up from scratch. Won't be possible for the original art files, but most other things I'm sure I can salvage one way or another.

son boy allowed
Other than that, I'll focus this week on looking for a new laptop and being VERY FUCKING CAREFUL to back everything up.

son boy allowed
With any luck I'll be back on tonight like normal so NO MORE 3DS TAGS AT LEAST /fingers crossed

son boy allowed
Headin' home now!

drive safe D:

Equality Bird
faulty computer. #1 fear of digital artists D;


son boy allowed
Equality Bird
: 8( YEAH that's the thing. That's why I think I'm gonna need a new one.

son boy allowed
If I have to wonder when or whether or not it's gonna crap out again, it's almost as good as useless for work.

son boy allowed
I mean, I AM gonna be backing up MUCH more fervently from now on.

son boy allowed

Equality Bird
yes, backup v important