quarter trauma
[double meme because I hate studying and am desperate] Which of my characters are your favorites? Also, ask sad questions about my characters because I can guarantee you I have terrible answers :3c
just lexi.
Yui, Ed, Ris(e), Aiden and Varen. 8D
quarter trauma
I am mildly surprised at Varen, but I accept. :-Db
just lexi.
Rise, Yui, Ed, and Vibri
quarter trauma
okay legitimate question why does anyone like my Ed I feel like he's completely OOC still...
just lexi.
He's way more IC than back in the day tho
just lexi.
And he feels really IC overall to me
quarter trauma
okay yes but lbr who isn't more IC from back in the day :|
quarter trauma
everyone was hilariously OOC back then
quarter trauma
let us not speak of nihility envy unless it is immediately followed by the word 'shipping,' in which case it is not actually speaking of nihility envy
just lexi.
quarter trauma
even our OCs were OOC
quarter trauma
and by "hilariously" in any of these cases I mean "(insert gross sobbing here)"
just lexi.
quarter trauma
And that is entirely ignoring years of character development.
quarter trauma
I'm just gonna point at May and go