Izzie Bizzie
little wip - wowmeh nipple texture applied to the belleza body NSFW
Izzie Bizzie
i guess i need to get some work done still!
Auryn Beorn
You can also offer a "big nipples" version. I'm sure that some would like it.
Looks like everyone's having nipple troubles with Belleza.
Chingona Sophia
LOL did you see the WIP for nipples from Aida? They looked like big pimples
Chingona Sophia
Those are some terrifying nips. (LOL)
Izzie Bizzie
Chingona Sophia : (LOL) they looks like huge pearls - stylish nipples!
Chingona Sophia
Izzie Bizzie : LOLLL omg
Izzie Bizzie
honeyfuck. : yep yep, but it's amusing
Autumn ♥
holy nipples!
Auryn Beorn
I've actually known girls in RL whose nipples look like that
Auryn Beorn
That's why I'm not surprised about the look and consider it a possible option.
Auryn Beorn
(I could explain how I get to see other girls nipples, but I think I prefer to have people making ideas about me.)
Auryn Beorn
Reality is boring in the end :|
Izzie Bizzie
Sands: they will get better (i hope)
Izzie Bizzie
Auryn Beorn : yeah but i doubt that the majority of people in SL would like such huge nipples and i personally prefer smaller ones, and yay for seeing RL nipples
Those nipples can't be ma friends
Izzie Bizzie
Sam : you're gonna see your friends the whole day today
So busy in real life suddenly
Kenny 🦦
those are massive nipples (bigeyes)