Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:06 PM
Subthread for Raye waking up on Sunday night.
Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:06 PM
I was going to stretch it out longer but... eh. She's already bedridden.
Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:08 PM
If you want to be there. Go for it. If you want to wait until she starts making a commotion trying to force her way out of there... go for that too
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:09 PM
Oh my
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:13 PM
Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:14 PM
There's a chance she's kind of messed up and not really sure which father she's out to avenge right now.
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:41 PM
Ahhh, morphine.
Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:41 PM
Yes, please
no more salsa
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:42 PM
Ken, are we sending the girls in?
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:46 PM
I'm game if you are!
no more salsa
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 9:47 PM
Aye, that sounds right to me. You want to go, or should I?
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:00 PM
I'm still out for a few, you can go ahead and get a ball rolling and Lily will be along in short order
Freakin Bat
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:18 PM
/late but uhoh
Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:21 PM
Yeah, I'm sorry for everything
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:22 PM
You'd better be
Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:23 PM
I'm not
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:25 PM
Alright then
Freakin Bat
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:37 PM
Well, in the other thread, I'm waiting for Robyn's reply before I put up Emi's.
Freakin Bat
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:48 PM
Do you want Emi there too?
Lord Nick
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:56 PM
Heh. We'll get a whole army of kids in there to stop this idiot from escaping the hospital
Freakin Bat
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 10:57 PM
Looks like it.
Sun, Oct 5, 2014 11:00 PM
It'll take an army of kids to stop her
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:01 AM
So I take it the paralytics they give surgery patients have worn off?
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:02 AM
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:02 AM
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:03 AM
Life Fibers son.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:03 AM
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:04 AM
but seriously, they dose you up with curare to paralyze your insides and keep your organs from twitching when they have scalpels near them.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:05 AM
Huh. I'll have to keep that in mind if I ever do a plot like this again.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:05 AM
For now... I dunno, that would've been two days ago
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:08 AM
Oh yeah, they'd have worn off by now
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:08 AM
Oh, good.
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:08 AM
they prefer those drugs to have a very short duration because the potenial side effects include uhh...stopping breathing.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:09 AM
That's bad..
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:13 AM
no more salsa
There we go
, if that works
Freakin Bat
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:14 AM
I totally forgot but... Emi can't actually be there on Sunday night due to being, um, occupied.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:15 AM
Oh. Well, we can redo that thread.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:15 AM
: Also, that's going to be after she's been stopped from bailing, yes?
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:16 AM
Since others are on that, I'd assume so
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:16 AM
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:16 AM
But I kind of left it nebulous on purpose
Freakin Bat
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:17 AM
So, how are we gonna redo that thread, since I screwed up?
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:17 AM
Well, if Emi can't be there... delete comments and begin anew?
Freakin Bat
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:19 AM
a heads up
no more salsa
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:20 AM
That works for me; I'll add it to my increasing list of things to tag.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:20 AM
I'd say we can combine them but I'm pretty sure whatever strings got pulled to let Rakka stay there wouldn't extend to other visitors.
Freakin Bat
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:30 AM
I'm about to delete Emi's response there because I goofed.
Freakin Bat
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:31 AM
Done. She'll visit the day after, maybe.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:32 AM
Okay, so I'll see if Drizz wants to edit that. And for the other, I'll let Winter tag in first?
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:32 AM
is Jas in on this?
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:48 AM
Freakin Bat
: Noted!
Lord Nick
: I'll edit it as soon as I can
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 12:48 AM
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:39 AM
Call me a powergamer, will you, wankgate?! Well, how do you like these apples?! Hahaha!
no more salsa
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:40 AM
Haha... ha... um. /stares at set of bandages
no more salsa
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:40 AM
, you're up.
no more salsa
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:40 AM
Just in case you don't have it tracked.
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:40 AM
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:42 AM
You can't just stick more bandages on something and make it better, Winter.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:42 AM
Unless it's a mummy
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:42 AM
Raye is not a mummy
no more salsa
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:42 AM
Raye sure
like a mummy right about now.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:43 AM
Actually that's pretty fair
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:43 AM
At least her face isn't bandaged. ... Except for that one spot where she banged her head when she fell down. But... y'know. At least that one's not a bullet wound. Aha... hahaha...
no more salsa
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:44 AM
She is going to sideeye you
so hard
, Raye.
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:45 AM
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:49 AM
Love that mix of "NO, BABBY, NO" and "can you believe this dumb motherfucker" from Lily there.
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:51 AM
no more salsa
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:51 AM
Oh, Raye. "Visitors? Gotta look good for- OW, I needed that."
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:51 AM
Given that it makes sense Raye and Jas are good friends.
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:51 AM
The fact you're injured and bandaged up is the only reasons she didn't smack you over your head.
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:52 AM
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:53 AM
She will summon all of her hotblooded shoun protagonist power and SIT UP IN BED!
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 3:53 AM
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 4:16 AM
Look at Lily, assuming it was transforming that kept her alive
Lord Nick
Mon, Oct 6, 2014 4:17 AM
It is the natural assumption to make, of course
Yes, pleaseRaye is not a mummy