tag plurk doot doot
edward: 8 in game, 2 meme
hk-47: 8 in game, 2 meme
wow the exact same
how did that happen
i'm gonna do HK first since he has more action-related tags. eddie is all talk
actually i'm listening to this
Archive Violently
language warning: liberal use of the word "fuck" so for those in an environ where that is not a good idea you are warned
honestly tag plurks have become more entertaining to me when i do comedic taglines summarizing sometimes minute or irrelevant information in the tag
also this train of thought gives me more incentive for HK to meet Starkiller at the star wars store
"i wonder if they have any mock jedi teaching booklets or something..."
bonus: the song i was listening to while writing this tag
Justin Timberlake - Murder HQ (feat. Jay Z / With Ly...
and still am
it's a pretty long song
now onto the thread where HK is pretty much like an excited child asking molotov for story time
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hk dies in bad joke shirt
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sorry that molotov didn't care enough to pick you a nice shirt, robot
oh my god
i am trying so hard not to laugh ridiculously in the middle of starbucks
HK gets Molotov a gift for when she returns to the Capitol
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does it satisfy her hood rat sensibilities?
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it does, it really does
fans in the capitol start to speculate they are an item, fanfiction begins to circulate
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molotov is pretty sure he's banging one of the drag queens
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lol no she doesn't know that
he gets so much more theorhetical action than actual action
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molotov is not a good action teacher anyway
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holly is probably better
i just imagine the scene with her and brock when she was young and set the room on fire
he'd be so confused
❥ 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑟𝑎 𝑏𝑜𝑤
no no, that was foreplay, she's good with foreplay
like why do meatbags consider this pleasurable??? do they all set fire to the bedroom?
even further confusion: there are stages?? foreplay and then sex??
is there a third stage??
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smoking is stage three
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then not getting squished by your enormous lover when you sleep is the last stage
that's really specific, is it required that one party be significantly larger than the other?
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molotov prefers at least six inches and a hundred pounds difference, but there's a lot to be said for personality
i imagine this would be a really comical conversation if they actually had it
hk goes and asks her about things because she's straightfoward
things spiral
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this is an ongoing theme with molotov, she once had to tell vriska about human reproduction in another game
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it lead to the running joke, "His penis! Of course!"
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because molotov was just like "um he sticks his penis in her vagina and ejaculates", that is molotov
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molotov giving a sex talk to an alien child
and possibly now a robot
also i would have finished another tag by now but i'm trying to figure out some other way to preface his question that isn't saying query five million times in a row
i have only myself to blame
also befuddlement haha
doot doot now i have damian lewis with a bugle for my profile image robot bugle
as opposed to skull trumpet
only vaguely relevant
i wish i could icon it for HK but alas, there's a bugle and that will not do for an icon
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ugh robot just get your dick under control already, god
you say that like he has a raging boner or something molotov wow
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so hard up for holly's tuck bornthisgaybaby
tonight on "the hunger games: untucked".....
i have four minutes of battery life left, there's no chance i'm gonna get a tag out in that time sigh
challenge not accepted
hopefully vin will be out soon and then i will be able to plug back in at home
ᴄʜᴏʀᴛʟᴇs ғᴀᴛʟʏ
Dftdhtd crying
wipes away ur tears
throws glitter everywhere
offers you that super anime human hk art
hk>molotov^ plurk ate that part of the message??
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hk has discovered the mystery of wanting to make pretty ladies happy
soon she will have him completely wrapped around her petite manicured fingers
hk>holly on the kiss meme doki doki sweet romance blossoms
molotov stripping hk is good television
also i couldnt stop laughing because half of his personality programming is being a sarcastic little shit so molotov being like "not sure if..." is funny
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look her only robot acquaintance is not someone she can understand, so she has questions
fact: anyone who is stripped down by molotov will be filled with awkward sexual interest, hence where the confusion must be coming from, right?
meanwhile in the other thread hk is thinking this is the best sappy story he has ever heard