「I hope you never have to know what it's like to love someone and then find out you're not enough. I was trying to protect you from ever feeling that.」
3. Everything you think is important, isn't. And everything you think is unimportant, is. 4. Don't shit where you eat. 5. Lean into it: the outcome doesn't matter. What matters is that you're there for it.
[馬新新] #雜 #平凡人生 #太太啊太太 真的蠻喜歡這部片,因為裡面... 「我們是世界上唯二知道當他的孩子是什麼感覺的人。(We are the only two people on this planet, that know what it was like to be his kid.)」 #siblings
《平凡人生》 People Like Us
1. If you like something because you think other people are gonna like it, it's a sure bet no one will.
4. Don't shit where you eat.
5. Lean into it: the outcome doesn't matter. What matters is that you're there for it.
>無緣由地喜歡這句,覺得裡面充滿了某種愛意和信心,另一方面又為了 decent 這個字的字義的多樣性感到有趣。
只是想說我一直以為 Hannah(Olivia Wilde)就是 Mila Kunis(TED 的女主角)
「我們是世界上唯二知道當他的孩子是什麼感覺的人。(We are the only two people on this planet, that know what it was like to be his kid.)」