(lmao) Dave Barry is great!
Despil です
His final conclusion is slightly alarming, but looking at the - with women - popular books it really seems that women love creepy stalkers, and hot billionaires.
Snowy Stella
It's not that women love them; it's that women are socialized to see this behavior as acceptable.
"The little boy keeps hitting me!" "It's because he likes you" starts at a young age and...just kinda gets more and more subtle as we get older.
Despil です
Snowy Stella I know and it is scary. And frustrating, because I don't hit the girls I like and don't climb in their bedroom while they sleep so I have no chance :-(
Despil です
^ the last bit was sarcasm, just in case
Snowy Stella
It wasn't very funny, so I fail to see why you included it. Being sarcastic about that shit isn't cool.
I just posted it because they released the trailer of 50 Shades today, and I despise the way the books represent relationships in general and BDSM particularly.
but rather than get in a lively debate, I'd rather post a funny. (LOL) Because the book is laughable in how horrible it is. If I read the words Inner Goddess one more time...
Atomic Woo
I've never read it. Never wanted to. Life is too short.
I think a read the tumblr that picked it over and slammed it, just as someone (same person?) did with the Twilight series.
Despil です
You think it's not funny, I get it. Please forbid Adam Sandler doing any comedies too, would you now? Thank you
Despil です
My grandma loved it. And Twilight. But only because 'memories'.
I adore Dave Barry.
Snowy Stella : EXACTLY! I never read the 50 Shades books because I knew I would hate them and probably actually throw up from reading them. And you know I'm sex-positive.
'If Jane Austen (another bestselling female British author) came back to life and read this book, she would kill herself.'