NaiLo Ren.
( RL // sort of personal ????? )
NaiLo Ren.
i always wonder how much it is 'okay' to share personal struggles with depression and anxiety
NaiLo Ren.
Like especially in job situations
NaiLo Ren.
because on one hand it helps to explain where a person is coming from
NaiLo Ren.
on another I don't want to be seen as using it as a crutch or seen as a liability
NaiLo Ren.
I take care not to share a lot of my more deep and personal struggle. I even keep a lot of it from-- 'these' places. because I dont consider the internet a complete safe haven
NaiLo Ren.
anyway i don't expect a real answer or even want advice
NaiLo Ren.
it's just something i always wrestle with
NaiLo Ren.
and wonder about
NaiLo Ren.
I generally am pretty open about bringing it up jsut a quick
NaiLo Ren.
"I struggle with anxiety"
NaiLo Ren.
because I think a lot (Dare I say most) people I meet understand that
NaiLo Ren.
Depression just seems to put another 'mark' on you though
NaiLo Ren.
tha'ts partially my own judgement-- something i struggle with.
NaiLo Ren.
probably somethign something something childhood something something something aunt diane
NaiLo Ren.
(In short. my aunt diane has severe depression. has attempted suicide. been in and out of hospitals)
NaiLo Ren.
(She's a sweet wonderful woman. She's just led a hard life because of the bullshit in her brain)
NaiLo Ren.
(I am sure there were microaggressive/ passive aggressive judgements my father had made and possibly even my mother had made when I was growing up about her in paticular)
NaiLo Ren.
(Things which are harder to shake when ingrained with age and not to mention popular belief on those sorts of matters)
i wonder the same thing. i've only told 2 people at work, one who's become a good friend, and then just another coworker of mine, just to be able to explain why sometimes i have a hard time dealing
but yeah, my friend coworker was super understanding, and she's been through the same thing. my other coworker was very supportive, but i know there was some confusion in the mix with her
and i've told my supervisor that i have a medical thing and i take meds for it, but that's about all he knows. he asked me once if there was anything they could do at work to help
and i was just like "what am i supposed to do, ask you to take it easy on me all the time? don't give me criticism? that's stupid"
i guess i worry it'll end up sounding like an excuse to be lazy :\
NaiLo Ren.
Yeah pretty much
NaiLo Ren.
we had our teachers tell us to not come to them saying that we were depressed because everyone was feeling the same way
NaiLo Ren.
and that just undermined all my feelings
NaiLo Ren.
i felt like i exaggerated everything I felt during that final year and still feel now
All I can really say is, I have the same thoughts (though with 'bipolar' instead, obv). It's hard to know what the employer's feelings are about mental illness without asking, but it's a huge risk to ask at all
Boo👻Berry, your teachers o-o There's a difference between being stressed to the point of feeling low, and having depression