So about next week: Friday morning I'm going with my parents down to where my sister lives. Heh, we all used to live there before she was born too. But yeah, won't be back until Monday afternoon.
I guess it'll be awkward for me, considering, but oh well. At least it's going somewhere for once. And I'm actually off Wednesday-Monday, so it'll be a decent break.
I'll still be able to do some things like RP, depending. Probably not too much tho. ;-; I hope I manage to have fun there anyway.
Oh, and kitty's boarding at the vet's from Thursday evening to Monday afternoon. I'm worried. ;_;
Yay for a nice break, hope you have a really nice time /squish kittynyan will be ok :-) she'll probably give you all the kitty hugs on your return :-)
Thanks. /squish :3 Well she might, but she also might HATE ME for sending her away for days. ;~;
Aw, I hope it's alright, honey. I'm sure you'll be fine. <3 And maybe you can take some Foojaunts while somewhere new! :3 And kitty might be grumpy to begin with, but you can guarantee she'll...
be all snuggles after five minutes. ;-;
As for RP, I hope you can still fit some in, but I want you to focus more on relaxing and having fun. :3 xxxxxx
I suppose I will be. :< And there may be Foojaunts, but def not alone. ;p Nah, she'll be fine once I get her back but I worry since she doesn't like it there and I wonder if she'll eat and stuff. :/
I'll probably be lucky to get in one or two responses a day, since I don't know what I'll be doing or even if I'll have an internet connection to work with. But yeah, I'll try to have fun, thanks honey /cling
<333 xxxxx
I'll not expect much in the way of replies, then, and I can be pleasantly surprised! :3 I'm glad kitty won't be grumpy, but I do hope she eats. :< xxxxx
I'm gonna worry no matter what. Boo. :< Thanks m'bb. xxxxx