な み
[言靈] It's often not the things we do that matter, but the things we don't do.
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same way the things we don't understand seem to matter more.
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there are things I am likely bound to never understand, but I try anyway, and that alone makes me human.
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there are pain that we can savour, pain like cauliflower, fiery burn from capsaicin, a lick of fetish whip, and then there is hollowness.
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those who seek, will likely encounter what they look for, as for those who have little to look for, should likely be found.
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this is a game of hide and seek, I play, but it is not my design.
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my cuppa appears inky today, yet tea is the golden liquor I brew. I sit, and watch that silence extrude.
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It is the Sunday of April 27, 2014, and I think I am learning something new. so much for teaching a cat new tricks?
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now, drop it. cut it off like I always do. that false sense of sanity is bound to haunt me. integrity check.
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life only pronounces its relevance to those who experience it first hand, to the rest its more or less a farce.