My body got a kerokan fish bone treatment. I wonder how long does it takes to disappear
Kangen Band
kerokan pake pisau
kerokan with love
Es teh panas
disappearing body? (thinking)
The fish bone (gbah)(gbah)(gbah)
|ya apa ada?|
you put a fishbone chart on your back for project planning?
The masseuse put it for her project management
her project hehhehheh (ninja)
approximately 3-4 days depends on how red the fish bone [ngupil]
Sadly they don't have male masseuses
my emo dissapear
It's really red, the last time I did kerokan is 2 years ago (yay)(yay)(yay) I was worried it won't disappear fast
|ya apa ada?|
her project