gremlin wife
[incendiary fandom opinions]
gremlin wife
I don't understand why people are acting surprised that characters appear to be different in AoE than other incarnations of canon???
gremlin wife
Or why there are people going "that badass gun guy was green so he MUST be Lockdown, I love Lockdown!"
gremlin wife
Or most egregious of all, going "THESE CHARACTERS ARE DIFFERENT and therefore ALREADY RUINED"
gremlin wife
Bayverse does kind of mean 'already ruined' for me, though :-P
gremlin wife
The only thing allowed to be the same between other canons and Bayverse are Bumblebee and OP's paintjobs????
gremlin wife
This has been true since the beginning????
gremlin wife
I know it's all cool to hate on the Bayverse flicks but god I am so sick of this fandom essentialist bullshit
Hey J-J-Jayded
Those reactions happen for every iteration of Transformers. Every single time. From the days of TRUKK NOT MONKEY. This is really nothing new.
gremlin wife
Bayverse is not bad because it's DIFFERENT, Bayverse is bad because it's bad
Hey J-J-Jayded
Everyone is going to hate it because they hate change. The end.
gremlin wife
Lmao I don't care if it's not new, it's still stupid and infuriating, especially since we are on installment four of Bayverse
gremlin wife
Did people throw fits about Optimus Primal still being a gorilla when Beast Machines came out?
gremlin wife
Because that's what having tantrums over Bayverse characters is like.
Hey J-J-Jayded
I'm just saying. People hated Beast Wars designs, they hated Animated designs, they hated Prime designs, and they hate Bayverse designs, and it's not worth getting mad over THEM getting mad.
Hey J-J-Jayded
Them being confused and/or pissed about it is not worth exhausting yourself being pissed at them for their '?!?!' reaction.
People have thrown tantrums over any change to canon, for as long as I've been in the fandom. /geewunner
gremlin wife
Forgive me for expressing frustration with the fact that fandom's full of knee-jerk reactionary babies
gremlin wife
And has been for 30 years
Oh it IS frustrating bc you remember from last time and you keep thinking they will, too...but they don't.
Hey J-J-Jayded
I'm not saying that you can't express frustration.
Hey J-J-Jayded
I guess that all came out completely wrong so I'll excuse myself from this Plurk and apologize.
gremlin wife
they are such fucking idiots and they complain about all the wrong things basically
"I don't like the direction optimus's flames are pointing" rather than him OKing genocide
this fandom has the most ridiculous skewed priorities i have ever fucking seen
gremlin wife
"I have seen seven seconds of footage from a TV spot and I can already tell that this character is RUINED FOREVER" like fuck right off
And for characters who weren't good in the first place
Like Drift was always going to be a cobbled together heap of broken promises and half formed ideas and potential swept under the carpet
oh no they RUINED drift!!
I hope you're sitting down but drift was never "good"
gremlin wife
The thing that frustrates me the most is that literally ALL WE KNOW FOR SURE about Drift right now is his appearance.
gremlin wife
Drift is "ruined" because he doesn't look like his IDW incarnation.
GOD but he's BLUE how do you EXPECT me to ACCEPT THIS
gremlin wife
In a Bayverse movie, where the only thing you CAN take for granted is NO ONE except Bee and OP are going to have even the same color schemes as prior incarnations--
gremlin wife
Drift is ruined because he's not red and white. Get out.
gremlin wife
and people nitpicking that the cars aren't disguiseworthy
not like they used to be!!
Tracks used to fly!!!! he fit right in!!!!!!!
geewunners ruin everything and idw fans are mostly geewunners
Mystery solved
gremlin wife
Like I totally get it, turning into hyper-elite expensive rare cars is not the most effective disguise, but nearly every canon suffers from that jfc
gremlin wife
If you're going to crit Bayverse for things, crit the stuff that only Bayverse is dropping the ball on?
gremlin wife
Or just be honest and say you don't like Bayverse, that's legit.
gremlin wife
But saying "I don't like Bayverse BECAUSE THE CARS ARE TOO EXPENSIVE" is bullshit.
gremlin wife
drift is ruined because he's in a Bay movie
which true, i could tell from just the announcement of him being in it.
I'm not sorry
I'll be forever grateful to bayverse for giving me a Megatron I can actually enjoy and not just grudgingly tolerate or be disgusted by
I mean if they'd stop giving TFP and IDW Megatron the perfect "justified abuser" and egotistical cishetwhiteguy coding, they wouldn't be half so infuriating, so I owe bay a lot
I do love how sensitive geewunners and the geewunner esque are though
As soon as you say a single word against them they panic and have to retaliate, even if they know you won't see it
gremlin wife
Yeah man Bayverse Megatron is GREAT if you can divorce him from the One True Fanon archetype of how he's "supposed" to be and take him as he is
gremlin wife
gremlin wife
God I just get so frustrated
gremlin wife
by geewunners and One True Fandom and this misguided rage-inducing character essentialism
And unlike TFP's, his instances of abuse aren't treated as a good thing by the text
gremlin wife
y e a h
gremlin wife : Should I just see my hideous geewunner IDW fan Drift loving self outta here? I think I should.
God I wish you would, HK.
also "they panic and have to retaliate, even if they know you won't see it" is still true!
I'm glad I'm literally 100% correct about this
I've just had pretty much all I can take of fandom bullying rofl, an entire year of being aggressively harassed and harangued and I have no patience for people who conform to the majority opinion and yet
can't bear for even ONE person to disagree with them when there are about 3000 of them
Frankly it's immature.
This plurk is about fifteen great examples of why I am glad I am not in fandom.
one of these days fanbrats are going to realize that "this character is different from the same-named g1 character"
does not mean "this character's name was assigned completely at random"
hey you know what part of the name "jetfire" requires that the character be a red and white scientist? that's right, there isn't one
personally i can't stand names being asigned at random. Reimaginings of the character? That I'm okay with. Just compeltely random tossing of names onto whatever? no thanks
gremlin wife
I'm on the other end of the rope on this, I personally don't mind "random" assignment of names and personalities and traits, especially for minor characters.
gremlin wife
Like it'd be one thing if they took, IDK, Ratchet and were like THIS GUY IS NOW A CONSTRUCTICON or something, but characters with only one or two appearances?
gremlin wife
Sure, Hasbro can do what they want.
gremlin wife
(Of course it seems to me like sometimes the backlash comes from a protectiveness of a One True Fanon perception of a character-- like Sky/Jetfire, fooooor example.)
I dunno, its easy to get attached that way. I would be crushed if Octane showed up as something really boring
gremlin wife
Yeah, I understand that.
gremlin wife
I mean, remember how butthurt I was when Blackout showed up in TFA and was a moron?
gremlin wife
But I think the thing that's hard for a lot of people is recognizing the subtle yet crucial difference between "I really like this character and this version of them doesn't have the stuff that I--
gremlin wife
specifically liked" and "there is only one way this character can be and it is NOT THIS WAY and Hasbro has RUINED THEM FOREVER"
gremlin wife
It's a personal opinion? But people treat it like an objective fact.
this is true