Talk me into/out of buying this purse. It's about the same price at the local Coach outlet.
I have Christmas money that I should spend on myself, but I'm too practical to 'waste' it on a purse.
(sighs dramatically) This is what you get when the kids are in school a full week - mom goes out shopping to celebrate.
Are you required to take them back for the weekend?
Magda K
But that could be your portable writing retreat! because I'm an enabler
Ceejay Writer
Magda beat me to it! That would be a rather elegant portable writer's retreat! Then you need a designer pen, a chic notebook, the latest in tablets...
Magda K
That reminds me - I need to oil and clean the vintage briefcase I got last month at the flea market. That will be MY portable retreat.
Ceejay Writer
Oh, nice. We should encourage people to share pics of their bags!
Let's do! I love mine and get a lot if comments on it
cute purse... but those gaps on the sides of the zipper worries me.
If you have the money to treat yourself, that is a lovely choice. It is practical, classy, and does day-to-evening very well. Why not?
Here is my newest bag, my birthday treat: www.ness.co.uk/ness-bags/ivory.html
Magda K
Mine looks rather like this, but black and more battered:
Magda K
Rowan : I'm not much for purses, but that's nice ...
Love the colour! Personally I am addicted to long shoulder straps on purses, but that is only because I am clumsy and need to hang it across my chest.
Qwis, that bag is gorgeous - and a little self-indulgence is good for the soul!
I <3 the long shoulder straps too! My longstanding bad (ok Americans - PURSE) is a green canvas one that holds EVERYTHING.
Ceejay Writer
I need long shoulder straps, so I can wear a purse crossed over to keep my hands free. Just snapped a pic of my 'everyday' purse, which would be a great writers bag if not stuffed with all my crap!
Ceejay Writer
upload it in a minute.
Rowan : Very cute bag.
Ceejay Writer
Grr, keeps uploading oddly.
Ceejay Writer
Drat. Plurk hates my purse!
Ceejay Writer
Ceejay Writer
Magda K : That will be a GREAT retreat. I have a briefcase like this that I got as a college graduation present. Never had a career to warrant using it.
Ceejay Writer
Everyone's bags are so different, and I quite like all of them!
I'm polishing up a Fossil bag I have in my closet to see if that satisfies me. If not, I can go back to the shop on Presidents' weekend and get it then.
Magda K : I love Ness things, I also have a wee laptop bag too. I am usually dressed in monochrome grey/black, so these are my splashes of colour.
My Ness wallet is a different red-based tartan, and the lining fabric is black & white skulls and crossbones! Love love love.
I love that we've made a purse plurk :-)) Next up: specs!
Ceejay Writer
or Boots!
Here's my bag. I got it in Barcelona. It's made from vinyl street signs. Needs replacing as it's starting to crack.
I want Ceejays bag!! I am guilty of buying cheap purses/handbags. I have a small one from Primark when all I need is my wallet and phone, and a bigger random one for when I need iPads and stuff.
And I dont have specs... neither do I have boots (LOL) Can we Plurk our bare feet by chance?
A Coach purse is an investment, completely worth the price. It will last the rest of your hopefully-long life. Doooooooo eeeeeeeeeet!
ProfPaperclip : I love the color in your bag!