So, Upworthy has a video of Jennifer Lawrence saying we should not call people fat on TV. But for me, the preceding ad was for weight loss - kind of counterproductive.
Yes, but that's just due to the AdWords algorithm picking up on the key words in the article. It's just a bot. Don't give it a thought. Bots don't know your struggle or your worth.
Well she's speaking against fat shaming. And a weight loss ad doesn't have anything to do with fat shaming.
Even though I do understand there's certain irony in that
Yeah, I just thought if you're video is about not continuing the pressure that drives young women to eating disorders, etc., why have a weight loss ad?
1angelcares but that's the problem with ad supported media, the people buying the ads want to shame us and make us feel powerless.
and they know they are selling snake oil.
i wish they had better filters for those ads.. its the same on myfitnesspal, there are ads for mcdonalds because it falls under the food keyword
best thing to do is install ad block, and when sites complain, remind them that advertisers have no right to insult, demean, or abuse us.
Mr. Graves
because ad placement algorithms, cajsa