[sick/tmi] ugh
there is all this mucous in the back of my sinuses and throat, but i can't seem to cough it up
it's just constantly there, so every time i swallow, i'm swallowing it, which is what i've been trying to avoid
ahaha, I know this feel
have you tried taking Mucinex?
but when i can manage to work it out of my throat to spit it out, it's so... labor-intensive??? and then two minutes or less later, there's more of it
gonna try a different decongestant tonight, maybe it'll help
i just really want to stop swallowing this shit, i'm sure it's not making me feel any better
besides that, my biggest issues are the coughing fits (which i thiiiink are getting better???) and the lack of appetite
i'm not particularly hungry and nothing particularly sounds appealing
though i have been eating some anyway
wow plurk i have refreshed literally three times since kia commented
and you've only just now decided it's important to show me those comments
i have not tried mucinex, but we're going to the store here in a bit, so i'll see about it!
dskdf it helped me, at least! Also having a humidifier if there's not enough moisture in the air, tea with lemon...
I finally got to the point where it's mostly in my nose instead of my throat, which is still gross, but preferable