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[School/Rant] My name is Kristyn and I need to rant about brats.
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Okay, so we got into this whole thing in class today about placement tests and the need for core classes in college.
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And half the class was arguing that core classes were stupid and unnecessary and that colleges should essentially function like vocational schools.
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And a few of us, me included, were like, "In some sense, we can see where you're coming from. I'm the same. I don't think I'll ever have a real need for math or some sciences but they are basic things that
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any employer can look at your degree and know, "You can do and know these basic things. Alright, cool.""
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Which makes sense to me. I hate some of the core classes I need to take but I get it at the same time. I still have some flexibility over what type of history or science class I can take anyway.
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And really, the disagreement of these things isn't what pissed me off, but these fucking children
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Okay, so they were just p.much stuck on the BUT WE DON'T WANT TO DO IT IT WON'T BENEFIT US IN ANY FASHION IN THE REAL WORLD
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so I said, "Well, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD WHERE YOU HAVE TO DO SHIT YOU DON'T WANT TO DO. Employers won't put up with your "but I don't wanna do it" attitude. They'll fucking chop you up and toss you."
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Sorry, kid, you're fucking replaceable. You're not that valuable.
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So as this discussion went on, they started talking about how they've already learned all that shit in high school so why do they need it again and I realized
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they were all talking like everyone is so fucking privileged to get into college right out of high school I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU
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So I said it again, "You're all assuming you can go to college immediately. I had to wait almost five years before I could do that. You lose a lot more information than you think if you have to wait."
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And that's where it rounded back to placement tests where everyone is like "I tested into a lower level than I am" ARE YOU SURE
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I think some of the language students with this grievance have a fair argument. I totally get it since it's at the discretion of the department head.
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I hate these kids
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For the most part, the discussion on how college works is "I should be able to do what I want."
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Yeah, fuck structure. FUCK IT.
Oh, sure. Let them think that way and go into the real world with that kind of mindset. Let them find out what happens when you do that.
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Also my professor noted that, "Well, you think your choice career is great now but what happens when you graduate in four years and your career is weeded out of the system and you don't have a core set of
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skills to start over on.
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I just laughed.
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She used nurses as an example and there's like three of them in the room and they were all agreeing with the DO WHAT I WANT shit
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And promptly shut up when she noted the need for nurses has decreased since the boom a few years ago.
Or when you go four years to school and find out that your particular field is -- yes exactly
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And that out of 800 laid of staff at my university, a good chunk were nurses.
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when you figure out that the need for the career path you've chosen is so low that you have a very minimal chance of getting in
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Yeah, yeah.
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If you feel like starting over from fucking scratch, HAVE FUN.
What do you do then, eh? You gotta make money somehow. Those core classes will at least get you somewhere.
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Then after eight years of college and two degrees going no where, what now
And when you decide to start ovver, at least you wouldn't have to do over the core classes if you took them.
I swear the further down the generation we go, the more entitled people have become
we've been spoiled with shit our ancestors never could have dreamed of, and it's made a lot of us this way
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Christ. lmao I'm sorry if any of you disagree but I think what made me more angry than anything was just how they talked like right out of high school, college is an option for everyone.
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Funny story, but I met with one of the TAs for the class a couple weeks ago and we actually both got into a rant about the students lMAO
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Cause one was like, "Kids should have both parents!!" I'll kill you.
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And she noticed how they mostly acted like traveling out of the country was totally normal and common.
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So we both sat and yelled for a bit then just sighed.
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Okay, I have another 1.5 hours to kill and get this assignment done. I'm finished being angry.
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Until they do something else.
nurses should never be too worried tbh. the entire background of a nurse is science and math. thanks core classes!
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I found it funny one of the nurses was actually bitching about math
yeah man I went into college expecting to do art and art is such a shitty field
I'm super glad I have core classes and heavy anatomy knowledge to fall back on for what I'm doing now
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I really shouldn't be these angry. Most of them are truly just out of high school and apparently just don't have any idea what college is supposed to be like.
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And it's just like, "You'll learn." But the ARROGANCE
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I'm too old.
what really gets on my nerves is the superior tone some of them have too. like the whole "oh look, i never used algebra once today. damn it's useless."
for fuck's sake, i never liked math itself in school, but it's not about the numbers, it's the LOGICAL PROCESSES. algebra helps you THINK THINGS THROUGH.
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Yeah, my professor noted that as well. That some of it is good training for the brain in general.
so yes, asshole kids, you HAVE used algebra to some extent. maybe not to find the square root of something, but you used the thinking processes algebra taught you.
it really is. aiya.
HONESTLY... I wish highschools would rethink their structure in general
I'm one of those people who feels like algebra is pretty useless unless you're going into a field that requires it
I wish high schools taught things like
how to manage your bills and
what to put on a job application
more health and sex education
important life stuff
completely agree. it baffles me that classes like that don't really exist at any level in the education system.
how to manners and be a polite civil human being because apparently parents aren't capable of doing that like they're supposed to
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I do think high school needs the work, not college.
yeah I think high school should focus on building good foundations and core concepts
college more about applying them and thinking about them in different ways
and probably most importantly the more effective ways to utilize them (cough job placement cough cough(
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I suppose in turn that would affect the college system in the end.
yeah I guess it depends, I hear college experiences are so wildly different across the board for everybody, I don't think there's much of a standard method, in that sense
What do you all mean by core classes? (I get the idea, I'm just wondering what the reqs are at your schools)
We have to do 1 math, 1 science, 1 fine art, and 2 English (as a Humanities major)
(if by core classes you mean the general requirements...?)
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