papermint tiger
first plurk was drunk, now it's hungover
papermint tiger
for shame, plurk
papermint tiger
for shame
papermint tiger
damn this is annoying
⧔ мαgηυs ⧕
"Wait, wait, let me notify you 1234128734030325 times, just in case."
papermint tiger
my theory is that it forgot all the plurks because it was so drunk, now it's vomiting them back up at us
papermint tiger
Rabbit Crimes
it ate so many notifs that it got sick
Rabbit Crimes
and now they're coming back up
Rabbit Crimes
...I just put myself off the rest of my dinner there
papermint tiger
lmao /pats
⧔ мαgηυs ⧕
<-- Plurk