Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
/Lays face down in bed
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Buh. I'm actually feeling a bit sad but I'm also incredibly tired, which always has that sway over my emotions.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
But I'm mostly thinking how I'm so behind in Smash stuff and don't feel like I can catch up. Just miss tagging but too tired/out of it to do so.
War Squeak
hope you feel better soon dear
War Squeak
maybe a nap is in order?
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Also right after my last day of work, I'm going to the dentist to get my teeth ripped out, so I'll probably be out of it for at least a day or so. (That's how long I stopped giving a shit last time.)
War Squeak
ow x_x
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Yeah, I'm about to go to sleep. Struggling a bit but meh.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
But ty.
I hope you feel better, too. I don't want you to worry too much about Smash. We're not going anywhere and if you have to handwave some stuff, then you have to. How you're feeling is a lot more important to me
than tags or pending tags or anything like that.
War Squeak
War Squeak
can you take B12 with your meds?
War Squeak
might help your energy
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Hmm maybe. I may leave a message for my doctor this weekend. I won't be seeing her til August but I also don't know how long I have to be on this medication before they can decide to change my dosage or not.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Also as far as the Smash stuff goes, I appreciate that, thank you. I think it's more I want to really get back into it because I miss it than worrying everyone will hate me or anything, y'know?
War Squeak
it seems to help mom and I, as long as we actually remember to take it
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Though I hate keeping people waiting, too, but I know everyone's very understanding.
We miss you also, but I really want you to feel 'up' to things. And it sounds like that is a little hard right now, and it is okay.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Yeah. It's funny cause I was just telling someone last night to take their time because it's more fun when your heart is in it. Just harder to take an abundance of time in a game than a psl. But yeah.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
I really need to find my mental and emotional balance when weighing against what I lack physical energy nowadays.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Cancer sucks. I'm over this, but there is no getting back to normal. That isn't an option for me anymore.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Okay, I'm done.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
My 2-second fit.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Thanks for the support and kind words.
I wish there was more that I could do, but I'll give you all of my words and whatever else I have to offer up.
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Man, just knowing people are a shoulder for me to constantly bitch about the same thing on is more than I ever expected out of life. It means a lot. Thank you.
War Squeak
We love you, Kris
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Love you all, too.
War Squeak
Mako said it best
/snuggles <3
<3 hope you feel better soon broski