The Fool
[To do list] and then I'll stop spamming plurk for a while.
The Fool
Do intro speech outline and submit to dropbox by tonight.
The Fool
Work on sources assignment for World Civ.
The Fool
Responses on the US history discussion board.
The Fool
Put away laundry once it gets dry enough, and reorganize the dresses. >>
The Fool
Clean out closet in office/storage room so I can move some of the stuff sitting out into it.
The Fool
I'll be doing some tags in between this stuff, starting with the older stuff, so I should wipe out anything older than yesterday at least.
The Fool
In fact, I'll start working on homework at noon I think, so that gives me a little over an hour for tags before that.
The Fool
flops off to start them
The Fool
Oh I forgot. Watch some Durarara!! and some CCS, probably while dealing with laundry (LOL)