Harper G.
Okay, I just found the avant-garde dress I was admiring in a Flickr photo. Price (wait for it!): L$5,350!!!
Harper G.
I'm to the financial point now that I can stretch to an occasional L$2,000-2,500. But NO WAY am I going to drop five grand, no matter how good the design or designer.
Harper G.
Time to do a blog rant!
Yeah, that's hella expensive. I'm a terrible miser when it comes to clothes inworld, and usually if it's over 500 L$, I won't even think buying it. Especially if it's something I'm not going to wear a lot.
Lets see this amazing dress
Harper G.
Sorry; I've been wound up with the family, and so I just got back to this.
Harper G.
Harper G.
The photo is of and by Shena Neox.