Yeah... and it I think it would be fun guessing who on your timeline posted the anonymous plurks Since the posts would only be coming from one of your friends
caralho, seus gringo fresco, vcs precisam é de rola mesmo.. parem de chorar e aceitem o bagulho que era tri massa seus fdp, "mimimi vai ter abuso, ain sou boiola, ainnn saia da minha lista de amigos"
dear people, almost every user here reject the idea of whisper. So if you don't want it to be deleted, why don't you just speak out your mind before? Why did you keep silent?
"the world" doesn't want whispers gone. the whisper feature was a good idea for people in corrupt countries that censor opinions and ideas. i'm sorry that your convenience is more important than other peoples'
I know that, my friend also uses it. But hey, as you can see up there, many people reject this whispers idea. Maybe it's because the anonymous makes some people can harras other without anyone know who's that
DEVILvaccine: if you also understand, the internet has no boundaries, country even. So you can speak up your mind with no worries, because in plurk, you're already anonymous.
You're literally saying that people in countries so corrupt they can't even have a voice should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, then? Congrats on being an asshole, I guess.
ha, you should be proud that they still have internet. The last time there's any corrupt government in my country, who's against the government are shot to dead and their body is throwed back at their home...
If you don't think "being able to voice dissent and protest and organize" is a step toward a change then you're ignorant! You're the one complaining about your conveniences being edged on for the sake of some
You don't need to speak from a horrible situation in order to speak out about one. Being from an advantageous position doesn't make one's thoughts, especially on helping others or to make their sutations better
DEVILvaccine: I'm not saying that "being able to voice dissent and protest and organize" is NOT a step forward to change, but is it right to put it on the internet? Not by starting a REAL mass movement?
when people want change, they should START. God won't change one country's fate, if the people won't change it themselves. That's why I said the people should focus on their country first, not pushing others...
oh, then you should not worry if they already have their movement. Actually I wonder which country we're speaking of because you said it's not your own country.
You're being ridiculous and acting as if one form of activism forgoes another. You can do more than one thing at a time - And those things can help each other.
yukeee: my friend didn't harras me, but it seems some people here have spoken their mind that they reject the idea because they feel the feature has been misused. So, it's back to the plurk's admin to decide.
well, just as I said, it's up to the plurk's admin to decide. We can only speak up what did we think about it. If you read the previous comments and the other post, you can see their reasons...
yukeee: what're we talking about then? I thought you're talking about the plurk admin that didn't hear our reason. alemaoo: can you give me some example, which tool to use?
Sorry, but even if the 190+ replies were made by different people, asking for the end of anon plurks, this wouldnt be relevant to take a move. Here we are something like 50 users, how many users Plurk has got?
m3g4n3kun: i agree with you 100%, but it's a cool feature to be ended some kids use it because they don't have balls to say things without it. This feature just needs some upgrades and it'll be just fine
There is an option for private plurks, groups etc and the ones of my friends that can't even stand for what they say in pp:s I might as well be without. This is a rotten idea, please allow blocking.
alemaoo: can you give me some example, which tool to use?