New Shibe
So apparently they came by and cleared out all of the "expired" bags of chips and stuff in the vending machines today.
New Shibe
aka: bags of multigrain cinnamon sugar chips with a use by date of 12/04
New Shibe
...I can neither confirm nor deny whether I have dumpster dived in the break room trash today.
e l l e
e l l e
do. do you mean the year or the day 04
yes do not waste perfectly good one-day-past-use-by-chips
New Shibe
robowolf: the day! they are one day past use
New Shibe
: I saved five dollars and now I have a chip stash
e l l e
OKAY YES GOOD go get those
e l l e
my first thought was "the year" and you had to go look at how old they were
e l l e
I. I don't know why.
New Shibe
no yeah it was the date
New Shibe
and I mean like
New Shibe
sealed chip bags!
e l l e
those dates are almost always pretty arbitrary
e l l e
New Shibe
I HAS MANY CHIPS. I am chip queen