Stories Co.
ok odd quiestion time - what position you usually read in?
Sea Enemy
lying down, on my side. I can't really read unless I'm snuggled
Stories Co.
oh side position! yep didn't think about that.
Laying on my side
back to a pillow or something, knees up, feet tucked close to my butt. But I don't rest the book on my legs, I like to hold a book with both hands.
I still need to find a comfortable reading position :c
die Position in bed, cross-legged on the couch
side Position in bed*
Stories Co.
thanks guys, you're being so helpfull i will show you later today why i asked!
Stories Co.
i usually read in bed, simply lying and holding my book above my head ... please don't ask how many times books land on my face
sitting, because i mostly read during lunch break
Fianna Idora
sitting on the bus or if in my office kicked the chair with my feet on the desk
I sometimes sit in the middle of my bed with the book on my lap, sitting with my legs tucked under. Trying to find the pc.. pretzel style.
honestly I move around a lot. But I guess it would partially sitting in with one leg up and one bent to the side.. my friends are always telling me I sit weird, so I'm sure that sounds odd.