one of these days.. I should really go through all my flickr contacts, and get rid of all the inactive ones, and just delete some in general.
I have over 1000 contacts. I'm not sure if that's a lot.. but it feels like a lot.
could you do mine when you are done, pretty please?
when I finally have time to do that, I'll do yours too!
while we're talking about things I should do.. I should organize my inventory, it's an awful mess right now. Then someday finish organizing my furniture folder.. that thing is outta control!
i was thinking that today. a bunch of mine are just like fuzzy black boxes i cant even see the pics so i might as well delete? LOL
and yes!!!! inventory sort! i let mine get back since last sort. its so gross now!
^ do mine, while you're at it! this way I can actually get rid of stuff!!