potato boyo
because of Ayla_Qinan... my teddy.
potato boyo
potato boyo
he's practically a senior citizen at this point.
~ Ainsley ~
~ Ainsley ~
my poor teddy is stuffed in a box right now :-(
potato boyo
and is no spring chicken https://images.plurk.com/90u-4C3cAR34Zo3QwoTE0DyfzW.jpg
~ Ainsley ~
but I've had him since I was little too...
potato boyo
note: that used to be my shirt. I let him borrow it.
awwww! I didn't have a teddy. I had a Scroungy. He was a scruffy old dog. I must have him somewhere...
potato boyo
potato boyo
he's probably 3 years younger than me.
potato boyo
so, about a billion
potato boyo
there's also Lucy
potato boyo
potato boyo
https://images.plurk.com/90u-6S7eEdD2lI0KZF8pQOJhgh.jpg also: proof that teddy has limbs.
^ lol, aw you big softie!
potato boyo
the second one became Lucy when he/she was stuffed into the top of a dress mold
potato boyo
years later they started new careers.
potato boyo
My mother used them for performing distance reiki.
potato boyo
Reiki is for healing.
oh that's nice. :-)
yeahhhhh me too. I need healing. (gyea)