Tiger Doughnut
.......home, and completely wiped out
Tiger Doughnut
we. Didn't even do anything that huge
Tiger Doughnut
but i'm just... exhausted
Tiger Doughnut
Daddy ✪ Cool
Tiger Doughnut
guh, and i have to do all this stuff now...
Tiger Doughnut
/rolls around slowly
Daddy ✪ Cool
Tiger Doughnut
Tiger Doughnut
i'll try to get to tags, after i do other things.. esp. our thread, since that's so much fun and all
Daddy ✪ Cool
Eeee yay
Daddy ✪ Cool
yeah he's gonna get it next tag and then you will be hugged, Bunny-chan C:
Tiger Doughnut
Daddy ✪ Cool
Miata being there was surprisingly stabilizing for him XD if it was just Bunny his flipout might have been worse :|a
Daddy ✪ Cool
Cause he didn't thunk he was hallucinating her |D;
Tiger Doughnut
yeah, it helps to have at least one other person in a situation like that!
Tiger Doughnut
or an any situation that involves Mist, heh
Tiger Doughnut
...it's also good she wasn't from his world
Tiger Doughnut
why would he hallucinate some random girl he met in Anatole?
Tiger Doughnut
if it was Dragon Girl or Blue Rose or something...
Daddy ✪ Cool
*think, lol
Daddy ✪ Cool
I'm thinking he probably hallucinated most of them at one point or another, b/c he was out there for a really long time
Tiger Doughnut
aww, i bet
Daddy ✪ Cool
I wonder if I could fit Living Memory!Tomoe into his mind broadcast...
Daddy ✪ Cool
I already have most of this month's planned out in my head so it might have to wait
Tiger Doughnut
Tiger Doughnut
....and i need to come up with some good Broadcasts, heh
Tiger Doughnut
eventually i want to reveal that Ginko was killed, but i want to wait on that one just a bit
Tiger Doughnut
give him some good memories
Tiger Doughnut
er, broadcasts
Tiger Doughnut
maybe one about Hawk next...
Daddy ✪ Cool
I have a billion ideas for Kotetsu LMAO
Daddy ✪ Cool
Are you gonna do something for Bunny this moooonth~
Tiger Doughnut
i want to!!!
Tiger Doughnut
i'm just not sure what....
Tiger Doughnut
i definitely don't want to give him horrible ones right off the bat
Tiger Doughnut
....drinking with Kotetsu would be kind of lol
Daddy ✪ Cool
That would be cuuuute
Daddy ✪ Cool
or or remember that one thing we talked about, how Bunny probs had to publicly give Kotetsu credit for the Jake thing during the first
Tiger Doughnut
oh yeah...
Daddy ✪ Cool
Tiger Doughnut
Tiger Doughnut
Daddy ✪ Cool
something fluffy would probably be good, since Kotetsu's won't be very nice >.>
Daddy ✪ Cool
You know, how we were talking about a whiiiiile ago how Bunny probably had to be the one to set the record straight about how he beat Jake?
Tiger Doughnut
no, i got that, you confused me by adding 'timeskip?'
Tiger Doughnut
because i thought that was another suggestion or something XD
Tiger Doughnut
and baaaw Kotetsu
Daddy ✪ Cool
Bunny will get to learn about Legend being a fraud from Kotetsu's. And of his baww childhood
Tiger Doughnut
Tiger Doughnut
....i wonder if he already knows, though
Tiger Doughnut
i mean they obviously couldn't tell the public
Tiger Doughnut
but i wonder if Kotetsu told any of the other heroes
Tiger Doughnut
...or did Maverick tell them, i am seriously mindwiped RN omg
Daddy ✪ Cool
oh that was supposed to add on to the previous comment "during the first timeskip"
Tiger Doughnut
Tiger Doughnut
...gdi, i think i'd better go to bed early
Tiger Doughnut
i'm just. Missing obvious clues and shit /sob
Daddy ✪ Cool
I doubt it. Kotetsu was shocked himself, and that's the sort of thing he wouldn't spread around. I mean, Legend was pretty much his hero.
Tiger Doughnut
/nod/ makes sense
Daddy ✪ Cool
It was hard enough for him to hear, I dont think he'd want to ruin anyone else's perception of him
Daddy ✪ Cool
also awww. /clings to
Tiger Doughnut
i'm not leaving yet!
Tiger Doughnut
there's still so much i have to do for tomorrow, lol
Daddy ✪ Cool
XD aww.
Daddy ✪ Cool
so excited to do stuff with you so I'm all. bouncy and impatient xP
Tiger Doughnut
aww, i'm sorry i'm being slow... I'M HAVING FUN, THOUGH
Daddy ✪ Cool
It's fineee I haven't even been on the comp all day. BUT I LIKE READING TAGS on my phone haha
Daddy ✪ Cool
hopefully I won't be naggy at you :-P
Tiger Doughnut
Tiger Doughnut
i don't miinnnd... and if i do, i'll tell you ;-)
Daddy ✪ Cool
hee 8Db