♍ Kanaya
* appears on John's transportalizer* Is Anyone Home

♍ Kanaya
I Brought Some Rose Hip Tea For Vriska

✭ john
oh, hey kanaya! * he was totally not drinking milk from the carton nope*

♍ Kanaya
* stares at john, momentarily mesmerized by his milk mustache*

♍ Kanaya

✭ john
* must looks pretty funny, considering his solid grey skin* what's up?

♏ Vriska
there are large sneezes being produced off in the distance

: o!!!

♍ Kanaya
* clears her throat and produces a tissue out of nowhere, handing it discreetly to john with a you've got something on your face handwave*

♍ Kanaya
Well Either Youve Got A Stray Trunkbeast In Your Hive Or Thats The Sound Vriska Spraying Her Microbes Everywhere

♍ Kanaya
I Come Bearing Tea And

♍ Kanaya

♍ Kanaya
Some White Oblong Tablets That Mrs Lalonde Assures Me Are The Very Finest Of Human Medicine

♍ Kanaya
(( bluh that should read "the sound of vriska" i can't type etc ))

✭ john
(( john's houuuuuuseeee is aliveeeeee with the sound of vriskaaaaaa ))

✭ john
* he takes the tissue with a slightly confused expression, then gets it with a little oh, wiping the remnants of milk from his face*

✭ john
oh geez, thanks kanaya! yeah, she has a cold or something.

♏ Vriska
* she appears in the doorway, nose red, clutching John's comforter* Heeeeeeeey, Kanaya. :::: (

♍ Kanaya
Oh Dear

♍ Kanaya
You Look Absolutely Wretched

♍ Kanaya
Wait Shouldnt You Be Getting Rest

♍ Kanaya
What Are You Doing Up And About

✭ john
she won't stay in bed! she keeps insisting that she's fine.

♍ Kanaya
* bustles over, pulling more tissue out of her sylladex, and begins to corral vriska towards the couch*

♍ Kanaya

♏ Vriska
* she sneezes into the tissue, squeezing her eyes shut* I aaaaaaaam fine! >:::: (

♍ Kanaya
Yes Clearly

♍ Kanaya
Nonetheless If You Would Be So Kind As To Do Me The Personal Favor Of Lying Down Momentarily On This Nice Piece Of Human Furniture

♍ Kanaya
I Would Greatly Appreciate It

✭ john
i'll get some more blankets.

♏ Vriska
* she sits down on the couch, but doesn't lie down instead looking warily at Kanaya* Whyyyyyyyy?

♍ Kanaya
No Reason

♏ Vriska
Then why * she tilts her head back to wait for the sneeze that never comes* ........ tell me to?

♍ Kanaya
Its Just That You Were Sort Of Swaying A Bit

♍ Kanaya
And Id Rather The Sofa Caught You Than Something More Unpleasant

♍ Kanaya
The Ground For Example

♏ Vriska
I was not swaying!

♏ Vriska
And John would have caught me 8efore the ground.

♍ Kanaya
Well Perhaps

✭ john
course i would have. * he's back with armfuls of blankets*

♍ Kanaya
But He Was Somewhat Preoccupied With A Carton Of Milk At The Moment If I Recall Correctly

♍ Kanaya
So It Would Have Been A Somewhat Dairy Drenched Rescue

♍ Kanaya
Ah Blankets

♍ Kanaya
Thank You John

♏ Vriska
It would have 8een a gr8 rescue!

✭ john
that's ok. need anything else?

♍ Kanaya
Of Course It Would Have

♍ Kanaya
* paps vriska's hand reassuringly*

♍ Kanaya
No I Think Shes Fine For Now

♍ Kanaya
Really All She Needs To Do Is Stop Roaming About And Let Her Body Rest For Once

♏ Vriska
I don't neeeeeeeed rest 8ecause I'm fine!

♍ Kanaya

♍ Kanaya
* carefully extracts a full tea set from her sylladex, making sure the tea doesn't spill*

✭ john
vriska you're not gonna get better if you keep moving around all the time.

♍ Kanaya
Something Tells Me This Is Not The First Time Youve Said That To Her

♏ Vriska
Well you should come sit with me then!

♍ Kanaya
* gently places a mug of steaming tea in vriska's hands*

♏ Vriska
So I don't have to keep looking for you........

♍ Kanaya
Drink This

♏ Vriska
* she takes the tea, sniffing it cautiously, the warmth on her hands is nice at least* What is in this?

♍ Kanaya
Rose Hips And Honey I Believe

♍ Kanaya
Here Im Going To Put In Some Lemon

♍ Kanaya
Im Told That Honey And Lemon With Hot Water Are Good For Afflictions Of The Throat

♍ Kanaya
And Nose

♍ Kanaya
* touches vriska's forehead gently*

♍ Kanaya
Oh Dear Youre Running A Fever

♏ Vriska
* she looks up at her all runny nose and weepy eyes* What afflictions?

♍ Kanaya
* she very carefully does NOT execute a x2 facepalm combo, especially since she learned that mannerism from rose in the first place

♍ Kanaya
and the last thing she wants to do is upset vriska right now*

♍ Kanaya
* it is so tempting though*

♍ Kanaya

♍ Kanaya
Just Drink The Tea

✭ john
* he sits down on the end of the couch to keep her company* i'll stay here ok? we can watch a movie.

♏ Vriska
* she frowns and takes a sip, holding it away almost immediately to sneeze before taking another sip* This is not completely terri8le.

♍ Kanaya
Im Glad You Like It

♏ Vriska
I didn't say I like it.

♍ Kanaya
* she settles in on vriska's other side, letting the side of her head rest against the back of the couch. she just smiles.*

♍ Kanaya

♍ Kanaya
Whatever You Say

♏ Vriska
* she takes another sip and snuggles into kanaya, she is nice and warm* Thank you, Miss Fussy Teeth.

♍ Kanaya
* she freezes, momentarily taken aback by this surprise cuddle attack. gulp. but vriska looks so sick and sad that she just strokes her back

♍ Kanaya
a bit and doesn't say anything*

♏ Vriska
* she snuggles closer, she will get all of kanaya's warmth, all of it.*

♍ Kanaya
* oh god oh man. this is way more than she bargained for. abort!!! she looks desperately over at john, silently pleading for help.*

♏ Vriska
* aaaaaaaand she sneezes on her, ew*

✭ john
* john just kind of grins at kanaya, mistaking her pleading glance for a 'Aw Look How Sickly She Is' kind of deal*

Equius Zahhak
D --> Oh dear

♍ Kanaya
* oh great, looks like she's in for the long haul. this is so awkward. it is awkward sauce with a side of ambiguity french fries. she

♍ Kanaya
gingerly wipes snot off her arm and pulls another box of tissues out of her sylladex*

♍ Kanaya
Vriska Kindly Keep Your Germs To Yourself

♍ Kanaya
Look A Whole Box Of Convenient Disposable Germ Traps

♏ Vriska
* she sneezes again tilting her head to avoid kanaya this time* Joooooooohn, come sit!

♍ Kanaya
You Should Make Use Of Them

♏ Vriska
* she blinks at the tissues* why?

✭ john
i am sitting! but not too close. * he doesn't wanna get sneezed on either bro*

♏ Vriska
* but she wants moirail warmth* You should sit clooooooooser!

♍ Kanaya
I Agree

♍ Kanaya
You Should Sit Closer

♍ Kanaya
* hopefully vriska will let go of her a bit if john is there for her to cling to and also sneeze on*

✭ john
... *THIS SEEMS LIKE A TRAP * well, ok.

✭ john
* shuffleshuffle*

♏ Vriska
* she sinks down, clinging to both of them, trying to grab a tissue to wipe her nose without letting go* Yay. :::: )

♍ Kanaya
* the plan has failed. kanaya's thousand-yard stare could probably punch through glass at this point. her cheek is squashed up against

♍ Kanaya
vriska's ear.*

✭ john
hey vriska you should probably let kanaya go. you don't want her to get sick right? * he settles down beside her, curling an arm around her

✭ john

♏ Vriska
8ut she's cuuuuuuuuddly. :::: (

✭ john
i'll give you cuddles! just let kanaya sit a little bit away so she doesn't get sick too, ok?

♏ Vriska
8ut she's squishier! * she's clinging tighter, she will never let go, never!*

✭ john
oh yeah, you guys are human and stuff...

♏ Vriska
Exact- * sneeze* -ly

♍ Kanaya

♍ Kanaya
* and now she can't breathe*

♍ Kanaya
If You Could Perhaps

♍ Kanaya
Loosen Your Grip

♏ Vriska
Fiiiiiiiine. * she relaxes her grip minutely* 8etter?

♍ Kanaya

♍ Kanaya
Yes Much

♍ Kanaya
* she fans herself - vriska is hot , and not in the sexxxy way - then touches the sick girl's forehead again, biting her lip worriedly*

♍ Kanaya
Did You Swallow The Human Medicinal Tablets Vriska

♏ Vriska
* she pauses, thinking carefully about her answer, she may be hot (also sexxxxy) but she feels freezing* Yes. I did. ::::|

♍ Kanaya
Are You Lying To Me

♏ Vriska
she turns her face into kanaya's arm Why would I lie?

♍ Kanaya
If You Are Just Be Aware That Youre Only Going To Continue To Feel Terrible If You Dont Take Those Pills

♍ Kanaya
* her heart twists; this is vriska at her most vulnerable. she knows she should leave before this gets any farther - whatever this is - but

♍ Kanaya
vriska looks like she's on the edge of death, and kanaya can't help caring, has never been able to help it at all.*

♍ Kanaya
* she buries a hand in vriska's hair and massages her scalp gently as she admonishes her*

♍ Kanaya
Come On Now

♍ Kanaya
Where Is Your Tea

♍ Kanaya
You Can Wash Them Down With It

♏ Vriska
* she's completely oblivious to kanaya's distress just smiling at the touch, leaning into it* It's on the floor.

♏ Vriska
* is she going to pick it up? gosh no that would mean removing kanaya's hand*

♍ Kanaya
* she waits in vain for vriska to either pick it up herself or let go of her so she can get it*

♍ Kanaya
Okay Vriska Now Would Be A Good Time To Release Me

♏ Vriska
* she clings tighter again* Release you from what? :::: )

♍ Kanaya
From This Somewhat Tighter Than Necessary Embrace

♍ Kanaya
I Cant Even Move Right Now And You Need Your Tea

♍ Kanaya
Vriska Please

♍ Kanaya
* she sort of pushes weakly at vriska's head, but vriska's having none of it*

♏ Vriska
* no she's not she's just snuggling closer, she is clearly the most delightful snot filled human* I don't want tea.

♍ Kanaya
I Know You Dont But You Need It

♍ Kanaya
Look I Am Even Going To Retrieve It For You

♍ Kanaya
You Need Not Get Up Or Move Or Do Anything In Fact Except Let Go Of Me For A Minute

♍ Kanaya

♍ Kanaya
* patience is key!!!*

♏ Vriska
I don't neeeeeeeed it either! * but she lets go anyway folding her arms and looking for signs of bolting*

♍ Kanaya
* free at last! holy crap there are honest-to-god patches of sweat under her top where vriska's arms were wrapped around her. kanaya NEVER

♍ Kanaya
sweats. this fever is packing some serious heat.*

♍ Kanaya
* she picks up the mug, tops it off with fresh tea, and begins the long and arduous process of giving vriska her medicine*

♍ Kanaya
Please Dont Be Difficult About This

♍ Kanaya
All You Have To Do Is Swallow These Tablets

♍ Kanaya
Go On Open Wide

♏ Vriska
* she takes the tablets, inspecting them* You got these from Lalonde, right? How do I know they won't poison me?

♍ Kanaya
I Got Them From Her Lusus Actually

♍ Kanaya
I Mean Her Mother

♍ Kanaya
Seeing As You Havent Even Met I Hardly Think Shed Be Motivated To Poison You