pixie lovemail
[9s] i would stream the final boss but like. the streamer tax is extremely real and i need 100% of my concentration for this one,
pixie lovemail
i DO have a question though
pixie lovemail
Cute Quinn am i fucking up the timing on the red sword beams she uses at the start of phase 2 or can you just straight up not unbounded counter those
the one where she's swooshing around like she can fly?
pixie lovemail
Cute Quinn
you can unbounded counter them
pixie lovemail
pixie lovemail
the timing on them is just REAL tight and i've whiffed every time
Cute Quinn
unbounded counter, parry, parry and hold, release for an unbounded counter
pixie lovemail
here's the thing that fucks me up with her phase 1
For a while I just saved my arrows for interrupting that attack because the timing is so ahrd
pixie lovemail
i somehow managed to unbounded counter the attack here she flashsteps into the air and slams down with a crimson attack with red flames the first time she did it
pixie lovemail
and it took me SO LONG to realize that you're meant to dodge through the attack then parry the iajitsu slashes afterward
pixie lovemail
managing to unbounded counter that was a MIRACLE that was impossible to replicate
Cute Quinn
it's notable that you CAN triple-parry a triple attack by releasing an unbounded counter then quickly hitting the parry button twice
pixie lovemail
til lady ethereal trained me wrong as a joke and you CAN unbounded counter the chaos dunks
Cute Quinn
pixie lovemail
to borrow an analogy from cobalt: it's time to take a break when you start feeling like amuro in the gundam near the end of the show, where the suit can't keep up with his reflexes
pixie lovemail
except it's your brain identifying what you need to do and your body not reacting fast enough