眼 睛
[Steam] 昨天在Steamdeck上安裝1999年DVD版的軒轅劍參,途中安裝新細明體字型使用錯誤的方式,導致系統顯示中文、英文、日文文字都不同字體;還好有找到解決方法

Steam OS 字體直接安裝ttf的失誤,改回方式
From the SteamDeck community on Reddit
眼 睛
How did you add your Windows fonts? If you installed them to your home directory, you should be able to find them in /home/deck/.fonts and just delete them.
眼 睛
Yes, it is normally empty. On a stock SteamOS installation it doesn't even exist (I checked).
眼 睛
As a rule, system-wide fonts are stored in /usr/share/fonts/ and user-specific ones in /home/deck/.fonts/. Additionally, some user-specific font settings are stored in /home/deck/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf.

So you're free to delete everything in /home/deck/.fonts/. You may need to hop into game mode and back again (or reboot) to have changes apply.
眼 睛

此路徑可從Steam遊戲庫點選該遊戲之「瀏覽本機檔案」,再往上一層到compatdata找尋1638230資料夾,點進內部的虛擬C槽→windows 資料夾→Fonts後放入字體,解決