JAY ><
venting.below ignroeif you wanffheres like three peopleoj here
JAY ><
im sofucking tired im so exhaustedi love him so much i adorehim but icannot do rhis anymore hes puttinfhimself down so bad its affectingme its been affecting me im goingto genuinely losemy shit and crash out todayhas not been my fukicng day so manypeiple around me areso negative about others and theirselveswhile imjust truing to live and be happy
JAY ><
my parentsdont fucking love each other this has been establishedfor years my boyfriend doesnt love himself at all everyone hates each orher ifeel isolated despitehaving so many friendsbecause i feel like i canonly talk to two or three ofthem and i frrl bad for the ones i do talk to because i feellike im burdeningthem and putting them down like othersdo to me
JAY ><
i love everyonearound me and they all hate eachothef i cant do thisfor much longer i cant deal wih itbut im too much of a pussy andwimp to do anythignabout it soi make jokes and try to keep people togyehr but it doesnt working im glue that doesnt stick im everyones therapist sponge and my empathy bar is in hell at thispoint i only care about max 5 people
JAY ><
icare about dan andhis headmates i care about moji i care about dd i care about my brotherand i care about ary im trying to care about my boyfriend i swear i am im trhinf so fucking hard im trying to care about my parenfs im trying i love everyoneim full of love byt its so so sohard
JAY ><
i cant hurtmyself i cant because if i do im hurting other people i need a drink i need something to get me not sober i dont fucking care anymore i cant do this i need to relax thisis. i cant
JAY ><
i lovemy friends. my true real friends that care about me and would never call me the r slur or stupid or tellme to shut up and be mean to me and who care about me i lvoefhem theres four that i knowof and itsmostly dan. hesjy best friend hesgotten me through so much recently and i feel horrible for feeling bad aroudhnhim when hes already goijgntrhough shit
JAY ><
i lvoehim i love him so mhch i care abouthim more than anyone id givemy fucking life for him hes done so muchforme andi canr ever express how much i care without worryof being annoying or toomuch about it im so full of love and people just. dont care unlesstheyre him i feel like
JAY ><
JAY ><
im tryijg okayim truing
JAY ><
i dontrememerb the last time ive drank water or took a shower i havent eaten properly ihavenf cleaned my room imso fuckinf depressed bbut oh my grades are good and im always happy i never have any problems do i im not depressed imnot autistic immjsut a fucking teenager whos goijgnthrough phass
JAY ><
JAY ><
im so tired. im so tired itsnhard to sleep im so scaredofnmy future i dont know what im going to downith my lfie im so scared. whyam i fucking like this theresso manu things wrong withme
JAY ><
almostno one cares. but dan and moji do andim so
JAY ><
im so thankful and gratefulfor them
JAY ><
imsorry dude