美帝說台灣關係法 does not recognize the terminology of REPUBLIC OF CHINA… it defines the term TAIWAN to include, as the context may require the main island of Taiwan&Pescadores澎湖 OTHER islands or archipelagos under the control of the Republic of China…Kinmen、 Matsus…are left outside the definition of Taiwan…山寨中國牠們的金門、馬祖不屬台灣關係法與美日安保條約的範圍
聯合國大會決議說REPUBLIC OF CHINA使用權屬於中華人民共和國United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2758 - the Resolution on Admitting was passed in response to the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1668 that required any change in China's representation in the UN be determined by a two-thirds vote referring to Article 18 of the UN Charter
你沒發現dPp支持者,即使是dPp完全執政了,但是對dPp無能、躺平的焦慮越來越高嗎? dPp這9 年從來沒有要改,用人也一直是這些愛與和平都市進步菁英,所有蔡8年的問題只會越來越嚴重,因為人家國民黨/中國早就看破你dPp手腳。
it defines the term TAIWAN to include, as the context may require
the main island of Taiwan&Pescadores澎湖
OTHER islands or archipelagos under the control of the Republic of China…Kinmen、 Matsus…are left outside the definition of Taiwan…山寨中國牠們的金門、馬祖不屬台灣關係法與美日安保條約的範圍
再來肯定是中國國民黨集團權貴拿回牠們的中華民國殖民統治體制,中國人蔣介石牠們的ONE CHINA框架下的「中華民國殖民統治體制憲法」對台灣是永遠的災難,台灣人民被鎖死在中華人民共和國政府與中國國民黨集團牠們那一票CHINA內戰的死局,被犧牲的是台灣人民