Candy Cane Cals
⚡I know this person who's a therian, but I believe they're faking it. Ive got evidence as well.
this question is completely in good will but even if they are faking it what exactly is the problem there? id understand if they were faking disorders or something like that, but does faking being a therian actually hurt anyone?
again this question is totally in good will and im just curious since im not too knowledgeable about the subject
How do you fake being a therian
yasha 💥 anya !
I agree with orion... therians arent a mimrotity nor a disorder or disabiliy. Im saying tgis as someone whos been in.the community before tiktok made it be only quads and masks. Since ppl were arguing on tumblr and dragonkins were swallowing rocks
yasha 💥 anya !
elinor : this also
Candy Cane Cals
⚡I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to be a big deal, I'm quite bored and have nothing to post so I'm just posting what I'm thinking. I try to speak my thoughts from time to time as it's healthy to do so, and I've nothing better to post.